Christian believers meetings. Where two or more gathered in my name

Colossal Waste of Time

No Greater Waste

I can think of no greater waste of our time and opportunity here on earth than the following: To substitute the first-hand experience with Jesus Christ for the intellectual topic of Jesus Christ.

Its like having a birthday party for a person but not inviting the person. We talk about how wonderful the person is yet don’t invite them or enjoy their presence.

By our tradition we have reduced him to a subject, a topic, a sermon, a chapter of intellectual religious entertainment.

This is substituting the presence of God for man-made religion. It is a starving person substituting talk about eating dinner with eating the turkey dinner sitting in front of her.

Jesus Christ can be known and seen and expressed through face to face meetings. As each member speaks and declares Christ and makes him known he himself is seen and heard. Sermons with intros, three points and a conclusion can substitute for his presence. His presence which speaks through whomever he wishes, however he wishes.

Jesus Christ is a now a life-giving Spirit, he is not a distant religious idea.  He exists, he is active, he is doing things. He can communicate and interact with us and he has a will for us knowing him.

For more on this topic read this.

Is Jesus just a great idea to you or is he a real and living person interacting and guiding you?

The Horizon That is Christ

The Horizon That is Jesus Christ

What do you think of when I say ‘horizon’? I think vastness as far as the eye can see in any direction, I think of what is coming, I think of warmth and light, which supplies and supports life.

Can you see him? over there on the horizon? Look with your heart, look in the spirit. There is a light shining, let yourself see it. He is coming and bringing all things with him. Watch as he swallows up all things, watch as he burns up all things not of him, starting first in the lives of his very own children.

“So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamb shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts” – The Apostle Peter in 2 Peter 1:19

Like the arctic, dark and locked up in ice for thousands of years so are we before his coming.

Everything God has ever set out to do, his reason for creating, the reset, the redemption of all of creation, it is coming an it is within that horizon. Its is quite dark here in this life but it is getting lighter. It can be quite frozen here but it is getting warmer.


The Spiritual Horizon for everyone is Jesus Christ. Every thing and person contained in that horizon is also Jesus Christ.

Our loved ones who have gone before who are in him, are in that horizon now. They are seated with him, coming with him, and waiting to awaken at his command.

The Horizon of Jesus is Here But The Day Will Fully Come

But when this perishable will have put on the imperishable and this mortal will have put on immortality, then will come about the saying that is written, “Death is swallowed up in victory.” – The Apostle Paul


Seek Meaning – Everyone is Seeking Him

Three Examples Among Millions (seek meaning)

I am sitting in Dunkin Donuts listening to a woman scold a 5-6 year old boy. For over 20 minutes she is shaming him about stealing something then lying. He seems stubborn and refusing to admit wrong in between his tears of shame. What she is seeking  (I think) is some sign of repentance, an acknowledgement of wrong doing. (seek meaning)

I am watching Shark Tank and one of the sharks is scolding someone for withholding information. What he is seeking I think is transparent honesty.

I am reading the book “the Fabric of the Cosmos” by Brian Green. The theoretical physics community is seeking for what some of them call a Theory of Everything or the unified theory. This theory will link quantum physics (subatomic) to relativity (gravity) it will explain and predict all things in this universe. What I think they want is the truth about reality. Why are we here? How did we get here and what is the purpose for us and all that we see?

Repentance, honesty, the truth about reality.

“I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life.”  – Jesus Christ

The things that humanity seeks day in day out are all associated exclusively with Jesus Christ. Life, joy, peace, provision. Jesus Christ is truth and goodness itself. We really crave him and every single human that lives (whether they realize it or not) is actually seeking him.

We want him and we crave him deep within. Our DNA is programmed to express him and live by him but we’ve been distracted and enslaved by another.

Systems of Unbelief and Distraction

Enslaved by systems that are independent and disbelieving in Jesus Christ. But he is still there and we are still seeking him. Some seek him ignorantly by default and others seek him intentionally in pursuit of knowing him.

The good thing I see, regardless of who does or does not come to him is that absolutely everything is going to Jesus Christ. He will not be a mystery to the majority of people on earth forever. He is the future itself for everyone. And when we all see him we will know why we exist, truth will prevail. Honesty and integrity will be the norm.

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