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What Does it Mean to Be In Christ?

In Christ Jesus

Here is an analogy to explain what it means to be In Christ Jesus:

Let there be a bubble formed around our lives, the bubble itself is Jesus Christ. The bubble forms by prayer to, and by faith in Jesus Christ. Its formation is outside of our control and our responsibiltiy to form (but it absolutely does form). It forms and it is like an immune system to spiriutal death, and to Satanic enslavement (which is the world system we are born into).

From now on we have no serious access to others except who make it through that bubble. Access to others thru Him and by His initiation and His sanction. By his doing, our bubbles expand and merge with other’s.

Those who exit the bubble (Jesus Christ), no matter how close they have been in the past. Are also exiting our lives to a large degree. This bubble is now the most serious and weighty thing in our lives. More serious than our immediate family, more serious than our spouses. It is more seruous than our money, and more serious than even the hopes we have for our future.

Stay In The Bubble No Matter What

We cannot and should never exit the bubble. Inside is love, is safety, is real spiritual family, there is THE future, and there is daily provision. Whoever comes in and whatsoever happens inside the bubble is by permission of him. Be it good, great, pleasant, difficult or even terrible. So we dont have to worry or have anxiety inside this bubble. Even the terrible, if its by his permission brings with it great consolation. It brings a special and unique return to us in time.

Jesus himself lived like I describe when on earth, he lived within a father-bubble and did and said nothing outside of it. “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, that the Son does likewise” – Jesus Christ. Jesus lived and died in this “bubble”, he experienced much good, great, and terrible things within it. He surrenered all within his Father-bubble.

Outside the bubble; we probably have much to fret, worry, and be anxious about (no matter how rich we manage to store up for ourselves) because there is no future. There is in fact, grave spiritual danger, it is just a matter of time, get inside Jesus Christ with extreme urgency. Then learn to stay in that bubble with peace and joy and the gladness of Christ.

Eventually the Jesus-bubbles, (can also be called the kingdom of heaven) around his people will expand and will merge, displace and destroy everything outside. And His reality will be the only reality. And God will have his purpose from eternity. That which he has always been after.

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