Dull Iron Still Sharpens

Knife Sharpening

Knife sharpening steel rods are round and very dull, you can buy them on amazon, dull iron sharpens iron.

When the dull knife is ground into the round hard steel rod the knife becomes sharp.  The bible teaches…

Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another – (Proverbs 27:17)

Notice that neither the knife nor the rod is sharp already. The idea that one of the irons in this verse needs to already be sharp is not in scripture and it does not fit the analogy of the verse.

Ecclesia Perfectly Demonstrates This Sharpening Principle

In other words when two or more gather together where Jesus is the focus of the meeting, they sharpen one another.  A spiritually sharp person does not need be present to do the sharpening with their superior wisdom and mentoring. Two spiritually dull believers still will sharpen one another as long as Jesus Christ is their central pursuit.

When brothers (and sisters) come together in fellowship a sharpening occurs when they gather in the name of Jesus Christ.  When the focus of the gatherers is on anything else, including nice church focused things. Sharpening will not necessarily happen or will be minimal, even things like bible study or prayer or service to others. Gathering in the name of Jesus Christ is a big deal, supernatural things happen.

When believers come together in pursuit of Jesus Christ, where he is the focus. And where seeking him together is the motive. God is there in the midst of them, a supernatural thing occurs that can’t be duplicated by the wisest of men, by the most skilled of counselors or by the brightest of mentors.

This supernatural sharpening is spontaneous and is a natural fruit from the body of Christ, the gatherings of God’s people. When we do this we don’t need anyone to teach us, we have friction which chisels off bits of ourselves. The bits that need to go, the bits that keep us dull spiritually.

Yes even dull iron sharpens iron.

Have you ever experienced a meeting like this?

I have decided to dedicate 2015 to intensely seeking Jesus Christ, with all my spare time. Some of this will be documented in this blog, most will not.  I would love to do this with other people, the more the better, lets seek him together!  We could meet up once in a while and also share online.  Please email me at collierak@me.com if you want to intensely seek to know Jesus better in 2015 (or any time for that matter).

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