Inserting Jesus

If we can insert Jesus Christ himself into our conversations, into our relationships, be they friendships, family or even foes.

Then we are making a great spiritual accompaniment.

Not necessarily discussions of church, or discussions on the greatness of some pastor, not discussions of theology, and not discussions of how our faith affects our opinions on politics. Those are usually not useful and they pale in comparison to him. They do little to no good spiritually to help people.

But making insertions of Jesus Christ himself into our relationships. Expressions of love, devotion, and awe at him personally.

If we are willing and able to do this with the people in our lives then these are tremendous spiritual accomplishments. Far more significant than we can imagine long term.

For he is the tip of the spear of the new creation. The kingdom of God which is displacing all other kingdoms. He is the beginning and end of the invasion of God into Satan’s world system we find ourselves in. And one by one we, his loyal, devoted and passionate followers, get to wield his spear and pick off spiritually dead people. To liven them and begin to return them to life again in Jesus Christ. Reclaiming humanity one person at a time.

What a wonderful Lord that he would include us in this process.

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