What He was Looking For – Part 1

Sometimes in life we go through rapid transformations, other times we go through periods of very slow change, both are necessary.  Both are to be expected, both bring transformation, maturity and sometimes great blessing.

But what is the goal of our maturing? of our transforming? why do we produce and pursue and build? What is behind the human creative drive?   What drives the human  race to reproduce, to build, to cooperate and to love? What are we after? what are we looking for?

Genesis 1:2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. 3 And God said,”Let there be…” (NIV)

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What was God looking for when he was hovering… right before he said “let there be…” ?? What drove him to say “let there be…”? I think the answer to that question is the very reason that we exist, the very meaning of life… and I think most of the human race may be looking for the same thing today. More in the next post but, what do you think God looking for? leave a comment below!


check out part 2 of this article here

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