The Gospel of the Kingdom Video 5a

Adam moves to John the Baptist in this video #5a, watch the first 21 minutes of this video for discussion of John the Baptist. The greatest prophet of all time.

Theory OF Everything

Optimism and Reality

Optimism is necessary if we want to accomplish much in life.

But optimism must not be intentionally blind, or deaf, or muted, it must acknowledge and then appropriately react to REALITY and TRUTH.

It occurred to me that the most optimistic message humanity has ever heard is the great Gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. The one that is restoring humanity back to God. I believe that this gospel is being restored today within the body of Christ.

This Gospel when fully communicated acknowledges and explains evil principalities and powers in high places (seems so negative). It acknowledges suffering and trouble for the follower of Christ (seems so negative). It places God’s will above our own wills which can be quite painful (seems so negative).

Spiritual reality has a negative side that we should acknowledge and understand and share.

What Jesus Said About Himself

God’s Matchless Message of the Ages

You Must Understand This

There is something I hope to make you understand of great importance that I must share with you. What you are about to read is based on writings from the book of Ephesians chapters 1-3 and the gospel of  John chapter 17. The gospel in Urdu and English of the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

There is a reason for the existence of mankind, there is an amazing purpose for human life.  Human beings, you and I, are the chief creation of an all-powerful all-loving being, we are his chief work of art created to bear his image.

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