Whoever Tries the Hardest

“Until You Do It…I’m The Boss”

Alexandra Ocasio Cortez is a very young woman recently elected to the House of Representatives in NYC.

She has received criticism for her green new deal legislation.

Don’t worry this post is not a political hit. It is not about her Green New Deal.

This post is an observation about leadership that AOC is displaying and succeeding with. And an attempt to compare the leadership we see in government and many corporations and even in many churches, with that of our Lord Jesus Christ and his disciples. I have come to believe that leadership, void of the leading of Christ, can be summarized by a phrase. That phrase is “whoever tries the hardest, is in charge.” This is true particularly for young people trying to break into leadership ranks. 

Listen to this quote from congresswoman AOC from an interview. This was in response to criticism she has received from her Green New Deal legislation.

“I’m at least trying and they (older democrats) are not, so the power is in the person who is trying, regardless of the success, if you are trying you’ve got all the power you’re driving the agenda…it’s creating all of this conversation, no one else has even tried, critics “it’s unrealistic, it’s big, it doesn’t address this thing,” I’m like you try, you do it, cause you’re not, so until you do it, I’m the boss, how about that?” – Alexandra Ocasio Cortez

I’m the one trying the hardest so I’m in charge. This is the mantra of the modern day leader. This is a Go Getter who has ambitions for government. This is the worldly person seeking power over others. Of course, I am simplifying, it is more complex than this. There are other factors in leadership, like the ability to communicate, the willingness to be criticized and to not quit. 

Whoever Tries the Hardest

But all things being equal, AOC’s comment is a perfect description of the requirements for human leadership. You want to lead, you want to dominate others, you want to be “in charge”?

Then do like AOC does, try HARD, do something, get things done. Act first, be a go-getter, be the first to move and get advantage.

Interviewer: “In your ability to galvanize your supporters through social media, you have been compared to Donald Trump.”

“Well, I think that there’s this rush to make that comparison, but any time media fundamentally changes, the first movers to recognize that change — and to learn it and to adapt to it — tend to have that first-move advantage. So this is less about personality, less about Trump, and more about who has had the first-mover advantage. But there are similarities. People who succeed in social media follow similar tenets. In order to resonate with people, you have to tell them what you mean, you have to be willing to make mistakes, you have to be willing to be vulnerable and learn as you go.” – Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

Let’s compare this try the hardest first move advantage to the leadership of Jesus Christ and his disciples.

He and his followers waited quietly and meekly, until they knew the time was right.

They were careful to not jump ahead and do their own thing. Jesus repeatedly taught and displayed the concept of doing nothing except what he saw his heavenly father doing. He also taught his disciples “without me you can do nothing.”

The behaviors rewarded and prerequisite for leadership outside of Christ is the polar opposite to those inside Christ and his kingdom.

Leadership within Christ and his kingdom is needed and rare but it is nothing like what we see in our governments and businesses.

The Warning

The real church is the body of Christ on earth, those following Jesus Christ.

Churches which gravitate toward this go-getter style of leadership are not living by the life of Jesus Christ. They are living by the life of fallen humanity which is beholden to evil powers and principalities. This should be received as a warning to Christians.

Go-Getter leaders like AOC and Donald Trump should not dominate within the body of Christ. If and when they do it is a red-flag about a community of believers.

At worst it’s idolatry, bored with Jesus they prefer another king, another Lord, a visible leader like themselves.

At best they are deeply confused between the kingdom of Jesus Christ and the kingdoms of the world.

Jesus Christ, alive and well is the only Go-Getter we will ever need.

If you liked this post read more here

The Real Go Getter

I read not too long ago the book The Go Getter by Peter B. Kyne. It is a very good productivity and leadership read for business people.

But, this book and its teachings should not be applied to discipleship or to living the Christian life or ministry.

Motivational business speakers have said:

There are three types of people in the world:

  1. those that make things happen (the go-getter)
  2. those that watch things happen (masses of followers stuck in the rat race)
  3. those who wonder ‘what’s happening’, (those confused enough to follow around the go getter and feel confused about why they too aren’t the go-getter)”

Never think this list is for the Christian or to Christian ministry. The extent that it is applied is the extent that it has ceases to be a work of God. We just cannot serve God or live out an inspired life for Christ.

Regarding the ministry and the gospel it is a mistake to strive to be one who aggressively makes things happen. I am convinced it is the mistake of a lifetime for those who love and want to serve God.

Jesus Christ himself did not live like this, neither should we. Jesus lived in the opposite of this so should we!

Jesus Christ is The Go Getter…the real one.

The way of life for the Christian is almost in exact reverse order of the businessman list. I attempt to write this list in the same format below:

  1. He wonders what is Jesus doing and only what Jesus is doing. (He is not easily distracted by tradition or by self-help or by vain repetition, falsely called ministry.)
  2. She watches to see and to hear what Jesus is doing around her. She grows to gradually see the difference between man’s religious works and the real thing.
  3. He only does and cooperates and flows with what Jesus is doing, no other work impresses him or sways him. He is not a go getter, he only does, says what he sees the real go-getter of the ages do or say.

Notice the reverse order of the businessman list: (doer, watcher, wonderer) vs. (wonderer, watcher, doer).

It is our job to be diligently obsessed with wondering and watching then doing what he is doing.

If you want be aggressive and hardworking and zealous for Jesus, then live by this second list,…not the first.

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