What is the Glory of God?

‘Kabod’ and ‘Doxa’, both for Jesus Christ!

What is the glory of Jesus Christ? The word ‘glory’ has been confusing to me. There are at least two words translated glory related to Jesus Christ in scripture, that we should strive to understand. I think the English word ‘glory’ is over used in the Bible and by some Christians. This word is used interchangeably for at least three different concepts referring to Jesus Christ. Perhaps we need more words.

We can give glory to God.

Joshua 7:19 Then Joshua said to Achan, “My son, I implore you, give glory to the Lord, the God of Israel, and give praise to him; and tell me now what you have done. Do not hide it from me.”

And we can see the glory of God.

Exodus 33:22 and it will come about, while my glory is passing by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by.

The term ‘giving glory to God’ uses the Hebrew word ‘kabod‘ essentially meaning ‘to honor’.

However “seeing the glory of God” as Moses did on mount Sinai and as Peter and John saw in the transfiguration of Jesus Christ is the Hebrew word ‘doxa‘. This word essentially mean heaviness, or weightiness, or the brightness of his presence.

But both words are used in reference to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ gathers up these two words (as he does with all things) and summarizes them together into one.

The Glory of Jesus Christ will Increase Forever

“Give honor ‘kabod’ to Jesus Christ who is himself the bright radiance of Gods brightness and weightiness ‘doxa.'”

The Glory of Jesus Christ

Update: there is yet another type of God’s glory described and seen in Jesus Christ, read article here.

But giving kabod to Jesus Christ who is the doxa of God is not the whole story of this word glory. There is more…much more!!

We can see more about the glory of God in the story of the transfiguration of Jesus Christ found in Mark 9. When Jesus was transfigured the doxa of God shined upon him and a few things happened.

  1. His face and garments shown white and bright as depicted in the image above.
  2. A glorious presence and voice from the father affirmed Jesus Christ verbally “this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased, listen to him.” These wrods were spoken to Peter James and John by the heavenly father. There is a verbal prause and affimation and exaltation of Jesus Christ where there is the glory of God.
  3. God was well-pleased in this sitation, God’s satisfaction is synonmyous with glory. God’s contentment is found where his glory dwells. Like when at the end of each of the days of creation, and it was evening and morning the six days and he saw that it was good. When God is pleased and contented and say’s a thing is good, that is glory. When the Lord is pleased with our service we often sense that pleasure within and know that he sees it as good.

There is glory where the father is pleased and well contented. Remember Jesus taught us to pray “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Herein He was teaching us to increase the glory of God all over the earth. Where there is affimation and praise for Jesus Christ (kabod) and where Jesus Christ is on display as great, magnificent and the brightness of his greatness (doxa) is on display for all.

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