Another Look at ‘Talents’ Part 2

Ok So What?

So maybe I convinced you in Part 1 about this parable, in context Jesus was talking about money. Not about abilities given at birth; what’s the big deal? Why does this matter? Well it certainly matters for those who Jesus refers to as ‘the least of these.’

This parable has also been called the Parable of the Minas. As I showed in part 1 to Jesus talents meant a weight of money (silver, gold). Similar to our phrase pound of gold today. It was not until the 12th century that the English word talent began to be used as aptitude or ability.

So to Jesus talents meant a certain amount of money. Not natural abilities and gifting’s.

The vast majority of protestants or Catholics in the west if they’ve spent any time in Sunday school will tell you the popular interpretation. They will teach that the meaning of this parable is about using our natural abilities and not burying them. They will tell you the point is not about giving money to the least of these Jesus’ brethren. This is very wrong and opposes what Jesus intended.

Gospel of The Kingdom

To enter the new humanity in Jesus Christ we must die to the old humanity. Even the seeming good things, our sin, our natural talents and our natural weaknesses. All die on the cross of Christ, buried with him in baptism. This new humanity is the body of Jesus Christ on the earth. This new humanity is then given new gifts, new ‘talents’, new abilities by the Spirit of Jesus. All being given with the purpose and the functioning of the body of Jesus Christ in view.

Money given to us in excess of meeting our needs is intended for the body of Christ. The body of believers is the storehouse of God, our giving is also intended for equality within the body (see 2 Cor 8). And our giving is intended for the poor among us and even outside (Matthew 25:40). We work with our hands in order to be a blessing to others financially.

Storing up wealth and refusing to give to the least of these is the same as burying money. 

God Provides New Talents/Gifts – As The Spirit Wills

1 Corinthains 12:7 But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. 8 For to one is given the word of wisdom through the spirit; and to another the word of knowledge according to the same Spirit; to another faith by the same Spirit; and to another the gifts of healing by the one Spirit. 10 And to another the effecting of miracles; and to another prophecy; and to another distinguishing of spirits; to another various kinds of tongues; and to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as he wills.

So God destroys all that is of us, he asks us to lay down our old life, the sin with the abilities. The wickedness with the ‘gifts.’ Then he distributes to us new gifts as he wants for the common good of the body of Christ. Sure he can use any natural abilities if he wants, but only as he wants.

To read more on this topic read The Ministry of Judas two part post series.

Do you give to the poor?

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