How to Identify Spiritual Friends

This post is for those confused and who feel betrayed and confused about who is a friend and who is an enemy. Sometimes it is wise to reconsider how you treat people because sometimes the people in your life:

Who we cold shoulder.

Who we turn away from.

That we delay talking to and avoid and even kick out of your little circles.

Are potentially our true spiritual friends, the ones the Lord brings into our lives.

They can help us (and we them) like no one else, they can help us far more than a thousand raving fans who say they are friends. Be careful with the groupies.

There comes a time in our growth as Christians that we must get over … how some people anger the devils we’ve accidentally been listening to.

How can you know who is whom?

If God brings someone into your life you’ll usually know it.

But if there is confusion here are a few things to look for:

Do they challenge you?

Are they mature?

Do they have a life focused on Jesus Christ?

Do they display humility?

Are the circumstances of how they came into your life unique or coincidental?

If we can answer yes to these questions about a person, take note. We should not avoid this person, and spend time with them to see what the Lord might have for us in this person.

But in any case a real spiritual friend will not be afraid of disagreement and conflict. This is absolutely critical. If a person cannot or will not do conflict, for whatever internal reasons, their use spiritually to other people will be limited.

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