Following God is the Real Seeking God

Seeking God will never fit into a Sunday sermon, or few week sermon series.

When we seriously seek him we do find him and he often says “follow me”, “drop that”, “why are you doing that?” we are to drop what we are doing (sometimes even our things we intended be FOR him) and do something completely different WITH him.

Real seeking feels great up until when “following him” gets hard, and no one notices, or cares. When it causes us to be unpopular, or it gets us unfriended.

Its just then when we either are going to seek him, follow him or stop following him and do our own thing again.

There is tremendous pressure to stop seeking, to stop finding, to stop following. Get back to our particular exciting religious tradition done OUR way, it just makes us feel sooo good.

It is disappointing but Jesus is not preaching sermon series and he’s not making altar calls. Sorry I love them too, they do have some value for us, but he’s just not building in that way.

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