to gather together

How We Gather… How We Behave

How Christians Gather:

How Christians gather has a major impact on how Christians routinely behave. Much more so than I think any of us realize. Christian meetings themselves are designed by Jesus Christ to do many things. The meetings themselves are designed to disciple, to correct, to soften, to sharpen, to encourage. They are designed to provide for and to fill us with his life and his joy.

Nothing affects how Christians behave more than what happens (or does not happen) during our weekly Christian gatherings.

In every meeting are we?:

Large crowds of Idle listeners to a lifetime of sermons? OR Every member actively sharing Jesus Christ one by one?

Hearing legalist pleas to be better and to try harder. OR Actively sharing of Jesus Christ by all involved.

Bringing “songs, testimonies, prophecies” and everyone speaking up. OR Amatures in pews repeating after the religious professionals on the elevated stage?

Feeding one another Jesus Christ one by one. OR Demanding to be fed by finding the most personally entertaining “church meeting” we can.

Jesus Defined His Gatherings

The truth is that Jesus Christ has already defined how Christians are to gather. He demonstrated it in the gospels and taught about it in great detail in the epistles and in Acts. Even portions of the Old Testament refer to and outline it.

IF Jesus Christ is really our day-to-day Lord and not just a religious idea that we love. Then we will be willing to let him personally run our meetings of the future. Jesus our indwelling life-giving spirit certainly can run a gathering if we learn to yield to him.

If this post intrigues or even angers you then please reach out to me by commenting or emailing me. This book by Frank Viola goes deeper into this. An increasingly large number of people are Rethinking how we gather.

The Nation of Jesus Christ

To know the love of Jesus Christ goes beyond knowledge, and lectures and memorizing. it takes a nation of people laying down their lives so they can pursue him and share him with one another perpetually.

This nation of people is called the ecclesia and is not composed of audiences with professional religious gurus like all the other world religions.

It’s a Jesus-family, a face to face, masks off, sharing him one by one, meeting one another’s needs Jesus-family.

This is what Jesus Christ, the master builder, is building in the earth today, so that we might make Jesus known to all of creation.

Four Amazing Greek Words

chair_circleI’ve been engaged in intensive studies about Jesus Christ since January, I feel like I’ve just scratched the surface about him, all he said, all he did, all he is doing through his body and all he hopes to  through his body, in the earth.

In these studies I’ve discovered some key greek words which I wanted to share here on my blog.

Understanding these three words I think can help a person to understand Jesus Christ and what his plan is for his people and this creation we live in.

  1. Koinonia – communion, mutual love, sharing of life
  2. Ecclesia – the church of Jesus Christ, the body of believers current living on the earth.
  3. Karpophoros – creativity, the fruitfulness of human beings
  4. anakephalaiosastha – (unite) gathering things together and presenting them as a whole

I would tie them all together with the following sentence:

“The Ecclesia is intended for koinonia with one another, with God the Father, with God the Son, and through God the Spirit. The result of this being anakephalaiosastha of all things seen and unseen and world-changing karpophoros as has never before been seen.”

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