The Origins of Cancel Culture

It seems to me that Cancel culture has been going on for centuries among the Christians.

“With the measure we use, the same measure will be used against us.”

All that we see in the media and in big tech and in the governments around the cruel and unnecessary cancel culture and censorship … I think began among us, those who follow Jesus. We accidentally teach the culture toxic nonsense in our churches.

It’s denominationalism, it’s clergy competition, it’s shopping around for the most entertaining, most self-serving sermons/ churches.

It’s all that … Evolved and spread out into the culture. It’s the competitive gossiping from pulpits.

Similarly we hold the keys to ending it. Jesus makes it so easy. He is so merciful and powerful and patient. It’s not by woke paranoia avoiding and always being one step ahead of our enemy.

it won’t ever be by fighting the culture. Or by pursuing power over it. People like Trump to protect us from enemies are not the answer, as much as we wish he were. Israel also craved a militant powerful king to protect and deliver them.

We are to change direction (if we haven’t already), and stop the immaturity, we’ll need to follow and seek Jesus with pure hearts. Stop chasing king-like clergyman to control and entertain us, or political leaders to rescue us. Jesus is not doing that.

I’m very optimistic about Jesus’ ability to lead us out of our messes.

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