Be Optimistic…Be Creative

Optimism is a powerful catalyst for our creativity.  The presence of optimism is one way to identify someone’s mindset. Optimism is not something that we can easily drum up or fake.  We can however increase our levels of optimism.  Before we attempt to increase optimism we must probe inner thoughts about life, about our purpose and about what is coming in the future.

I’d argue that the truth about why we exist, the truth about the nature of the human-kind and the truth about the long term future gives great reason for unrestrained optimism about almost everything.  So we have good reason to be optimistic.

Optimism inspires creativity because genuine optimism liberates mental clutter and emotional wounds that often restrains creativity.

Optimism is defined as an inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions and events or to anticipate the best possible outcome.

To anticipate the best possible outcome.’

Be optimistic,,, be creative this week.

OptimismToolkit Image

If you’d like a free copy of my one-page optimism tool kit pdf designed to help you to become more optimistic then sign up for my email list (upper right column of this page) and we will send it to you or request this tool kit by emailing me at

Watch Your Creative Cycles

Creativity Cycle

I have noticed a cycle involved with Human Creatvity.

Creative people build and package products, services, performances and information. 

People consume these and reward the creators for their creations in various ways, mostly financial.

These creations then get emulated, copied and plagiarized by those who are not inclined to create.

Eventually the creators move on to new creations, the consumption plateaus, the plagarizers wear it out and kill it, then they begin to copy again.

This cycle happens in every aspect of business, in music, even in certain religions and it happens in our own lives. The curious thing is that without the creators, the cycle never starts, death reigns and expands.  Without creative people economies and civilization itself begins to rot.

Watch your own creative cycles.  Are you creating, consuming or copying? In that first creating step is where all people belong, intentionally creating all of the time, this is how we were created to be, not to only consume, and not to ever plagiarise. 

Creative people are like sources of new life and preservation to our economy and to our wealth. Choose a field, choose one of your gifting and start to create, then always remain in that creativity stage, soon other people will consume and copy what you make.

Looking for more beta-testers for my creativity course, email me at and I will send you to a link to a page with a detailed outline of this online creativity video course.   

An Assignment Every Child Needs

Back To School With Compassion International

It is quickly approaching back to school time in our home.  Buying school clothes, stationery supplies and nervous comments about the upcoming hard work of assignments.  Three of our five kids are preparing for the school changes that are coming. But they would prefer to continue the summer free as a bird playing and watching movies and sleeping in.  School is a somewhat stressful assignment which helps our kids to understand our world. To develop their abilities, to get mentored by people who care and to make friends.

Untapped Creative Power

I’ve been mindful recently about human creativity and its impact on the world. I am convinced that almost every human being has untapped creative ability. Unfortunately the majority of us are not actively creative.  These millions of people represent a tremendous reservoir of untapped creative power. A small minority of people still create the majority of the content, entertainment and products that we consume.

Human creativity is unique to each person, it is a natural gifting. It is how we are wired deep within and is not necessarily something that we can form in ourselves. It can however be oppressed or hindered and attempting to access that part of us is can be a lifetime struggle.

As I have shared in the past, human creativity can easily be covered by emotional wounds, by mental clutter and by not thinking for oneself.  The right education can go a long way in removing these creativity-killing forces in people’s lives.

A decent education can provide the tools needed to succeed in life, it can provide the knowledge to understand the world we live in and an education can unleash the creative spark that God has placed in all of us. An education can provide self-confidence, clarity of focus, loving mentors and life-long friends which open up many opportunities.

Not all children have access to a formal education.

  • Worldwide, nearly 80 percent of primary-school-age children attend school. In least developed countries, this figure is around 66 percent.
  • The largest out-of-school population is in sub-Saharan Africa. There around 45.5 million children of primary school age are out of school.
  • Of the 67 million primary-school-age children who do not attend school, 53 percent are girls.
  • Worldwide, only 49 percent of children of secondary school age actually attend secondary school.
  • Of the 49 percent of secondary age students who do not attend school, 52 percent are girls.
  • The world’s functional illiterates include more than 130 million children who do not attend school. And 73 million of these illiterates are girls.


Hundreds of millions of children are without the basic assignment of going to school. Of learning to read and write and to add numbers. Imagine if everyone had access to quality education, freedom from slave labor, freedom from a life of debilitating debt and oppression. What if all people could explore their abilities and gifting’s. 

Give to the Poor

The good news is that we are not powerless! Those of us who have been blessed financially can help poor children. Through generosity and compassion we can bless children directly with an education and nutrition needed for school.  We can give children the blessing of a school assignment.

One great way to do this is to connect with Compassion International.  This organization connects generous people who have the means to share some of their wealth with the children of the world who need help getting to school and a decent meal every day.

Sponsor a child today and give them the assignment of school that they so desperately need.  You may be educating and feeding the inventor of the cure for cancer. Or the preacher who God uses mightily for his purposes.

What would your life be like without an education?

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