Christians Who Walk According to Church Law

It is possible to be a Christian yet live apart from Jesus Christ. It is possible to ignore him, it is even possible for a Christian to walk according to prince of the power of the air (Satan). Possible to walk according to the law, and to walk according to the flesh.

The blessing of Abraham in Christ is not for those who walk according to the flesh. Or who walk according to the law, or who walk loyal to any spiritual beings other than Jesus Christ.

Being a Christian as defined by a church is no guarantee of any spiritual state.

Don’t believe me? Well then just look at church history for about 10 seconds. It is packed with murderous examples of chaos, and of confused Christians not walking according to the life of Jesus Christ. Not only that has many examples of people claiming Christianity yet living in opposite to Christ and to those who seem to be living according to Christ.  

So what’s the point?

Just being a Christian is not a rubber stamp for success in life. IT is possible to walk by the life of church law, and not by the life of Jesus Christ. It is a tragedy of many centuries of church leaders. 

Many Christians are invited into Christianity by preachers who promise that God becomes a personal cheerleader and that there is grace to sin as long as our motives are good, yet this false teaching creates the conditions for man to follow their own fallen ways while claiming the mascot of Jesus Christ. .

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