Like An Orchestra

The kingdom of Jesus Christ is like an orchestra.

Jesus’ church aka the Ecclesia is like an orchestra or chorus, (not a one man performance). Every one making beatiful music together. Being quiet at times and making noise at other times all at the right time. Responding back and forth, one too another and in response to the conductor. It is a collective performance of beautiful “music”. There were no spectators.

And the conductor is the spirit of Jesus Christ, not the elders.

The leaders were simply other very experienced players (elders/ pastors) who taught the new players how to focus on the conductor and play HIS songs in accordance only with his movements and his promptings.

The leaders (elders) would stand up for a short time to train the new members, (and only as necessary) then would sit down for their true love, to perform music with the others as equals.

Thought of becoming the preeminent and dominant conductor is offensive, idolatrous, and worldly.

Over time the music to this Jesus orchestra so beautiful the line to get into the orchestra is a mile long, so we have to plant “orchestras” in every town.

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