Jesus Christ: The Center Of All Things
“For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in
” Colossians 1:19- 20
The Father’s purpose is to sum up all things in Christ. Is that your purpose? It is obvious from what we see around us that this is not the purpose and goal of most American Christianity.
We are busy planning things, discussing things, and doing things, none of which have their center in Christ! We speak much about many spiritual topics like evangelism, leadership, prayer, spiritual warfare, the second coming, bible study, faith, love, spiritual gifts, authority and submission, a woman’s place in church, the New Testament order for church.
Even things about Him can become as if they are not centered in Him! Only things that are by Him will be for Him! Since he is real and living person his presence and his life are what makes the difference. If he personally is not leading and living in a ministry its just a ministry about him and it is not centered in him. It is easy to see the difference when we look at things with his eyes. If we don’t look with his eyes we are blind to this. Christianity becomes a religious movement of good intentions. It becomes worldly and emptied of God’s life.
Christ is the Center of All of God’s plan and Jesus did everything He did for the Father! May Jesus be the sum, the center and the supreme one in our lives and our groups who gather.
More articles on this topic, also check out these amazing Jesus articles from Milt Rodriguez at the