Video 4 – The Expanding Universe and Jesus Christ

The Mystery of the Expanding Universe

In this video Adam discusses the mystery of the increasingly fast expanding universe, as mentioned by Brian Green. The expansion rate of the universe is accelerating, which is unexpected. Einstein suggested this could be due to the repulsive gravitation of dark matter. Adam suggests a reason for this based on the increase of Jesus Christ.

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Video 3 – Unexplained Mystery of the Universe, part I

The Mystery of Dark Energy

In Part I of this group of four videos Adam discusses the book he has been reading called The Fabric of the Cosmos by Brian Green and discusses the scientific mystery of why the Universe is fine-tuned for the existence of planets and stars (and therefore for life.) Fine-tuned from a dark-energy/ gravity perspective.

There is a perfect amount of dark energy such that matter can coalesce into planets and stars. Any more and the universe would be nothing but black holes, any less and the universe would be nothing but particles floating without planets and stars.

Adam proposes that scripture and specifically Jesus himself discusses this issue.

A Theory of Everything explains why and how the universe exists. Adam proposes a new Theory of Everything.

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