Shouting At the Deaf?

I’ve spent a considerable amount of energy in the past 4 years sharing, praying and appealing to Christian friends and family about the way church meetings are done in my area. It does seem that most if not all of that energy and writing, and praying and ads in Craigslist and and the local newspaper have fallen on deaf ears.

And if deafness is an accurate description then it’s important to realize that deaf people are not ignoring us when we speak to them about something. They simply cannot hear. They aren’t being rude or cold.

How can Christians be deaf to something spiritual? That I don’t fully understand, perhaps they aren’t really Christians, or perhaps it’s something else causing it, that is not my business.

What I do know with certainty is that Spiritual deafness can be undone by the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ. That gospel, preached by John the Baptist with Jesus Christ. Was the combination of heaven and earth, God with humanity. It links God to humanity, to earth, to us physically. Jesus Christ awakens people from darkness to light.

The gospel is not to be seen as a ticket to heaven after we die. That was never it’s primary role. It was and is intended to be the merging, the re-taking over of earth by God through Christ.

So what is needed much more than people wanting to do church better; is a resurgence of people preaching the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ. And that is what I am setting out to do, Lord willing.

If this interests you at all…read this book!!

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