The only appropriate reaction of a Christian to the known will of Jesus Christ is obedience. He is not a dictator, but doing our own thing and assuming he will approve is not an option anymore than it was for his 12 disciples. He said to them “follow me” but he also rebuked them sternly when they needed it.
If we want to stay on a path of self-centeredness we must intentionally avoid Jesus. And vice a versa if we want to remain with Jesus we must learn to abandon self.
If you know his will drop everything, and obey him with urgency.
When a Christian brother or sister challenge us with teachings that say “this is his will, do this” or “this is not his will, we must stop it” explore deeply what they say and why they say it. Explore why they are saying it, determine their motives, sit down with them and find out.
Don’t just blow them off if it’s something no one else is saying, or if you disagree or if you just dislike them.
Jesus Christ deserves that we hear out our brothers and sisters and explore what Jesus might be saying through them. He is our only true king.
“Only he who believes is obedient and only he who is obedient obeys.” – D. Bonhoeffer