The Question of the Ages

How about a small dose of reality?

Right now … for every human being, for you and for me, how we identify Jesus Christ defines us. We do determine our reality but not by positive thinking or optimism or by drumming up a joy filled outlook. We determine our reality by how we respond to the question of the ages which still stands.

The question is not “how did we get here?”, it is not “why are we hear?” it is not “what is our place in the universe?” All of these questions cannot be answered correctly if we do not answer this primary question right.

The eternal question of the ages is.

“Who do you say that I am?” – Jesus Christ

It was first asked by Jesus Christ to his followers. But it is asked over and over again to each life.

We might as well answer honestly, no need for pretense of fake obligatory religious response. Because how we answer this question determines everything about us and our future.

I consider this post a part of my articles on reality, its important to define and teach reality. For more of the reality series click here.

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