A close friend of mine recently told me that I will not find what I’m looking for in my area. We were talking about Christian fellowship and Jesus- centered church community.
In the past just realizing this would have (and did) send me into a variety of emotions.
Anger, depression, self-blame, disgust, but I do not feel that way anymore. First of all it may not be true. Second of all, even if it is true it’s really none of my concern to get emotional about. I have placed this in the hands of Jesus Christ.
And to the point of this post:
IF Jesus blesses me and my family with a real, Jesus-centered community of Christians. A genuine ecclesia that meets on proper spiritual ground. Who gather around Him and not around or for some great pastor, or some witty sermon series. IF Jesus blesses us with this real Christian community then we are some of the most blessed and fortunate people in all the earth.
Or if he sends me to some other town far away to experience this then we are truly blessed.
Or even if he never grants us this in my lifetime then still we are most blessed people. I have Christian friends that I can share the Lord with in every realm of my life, family, work friends, online friends, and my spouse and even my kids a bit.
I am connected to Gods people all over the world. I have more Jesus-centered content in books and online that I can consume in a lifetime. And, most importantly, when I look within, there is an beautiful open heaven… as large and as plentiful as the universe.