Nation Without Government

I love America.

But I find myself lately wondering if it is possible to have a nation without a human government. I wondered this long before and after the 2020 election. Which served to only solidify my thoughts.

Some of the Anarchists I agree with, not the violent ones but the ones who want to be free of government. The word anarchy just means no hunan government.

Police are not government, so defunding them is not the thing to do. They are to just enforce laws, in free nations they do not enforce the every command of a king.

Certainly we could pool our money to have roads and police and militia. Without government involvement.

Certainly we could give to the poor. Without government involvement.

Why does this Satanic thing called government, with its permanent political class of millionaires, have to exist? With its tentacles of control penetrating everything from my schooling, to my medical life, to how I repair my home. And to taking as much as 50% of my income.

Human governments are disloyal to Jesus Christ. That alone is enough to delegitimatize them. They are however almost always loyal to Satan, whether they realize it or not (and I think a good deal
of government power pursuers do realize it)

So they are illegitimate institutions which are a threat to the safety of everyone. And they do not have a good future.

The alternative to human government control is men and women led and restrained by the Spirit of Jesus Christ. A nation full of people like that does not need a strong oppressive overreaching government at all. They are virtuous, they don’t have poor because the rich share with them directly. Governments are very ineffective at feeding the poor. A nation like this does not have hopelessness, and they do not harm one another.

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