I have decided to take the “my 500 words” challenge by author Jeff Goins.  This challenge is to help writers to develop the daily habit of writing and to become better writers.  Jeff Goins is a successful author and has a popular blog here.


I am excited about writing and have always loved to write.  I have been writing now most of my adult life, before I started to blog 3 years ago I journaled and have years worth of journals stored away, going back over 15 years.


Writing is an outlet for me and helps me to organize my thoughts and clear my mind. I will categorize my daily writing as my500words if my writing makes it to a blog post, I will also use the hashtag #my500words on twitter and FB. I plan to write on a variety of topics and hope to do at least one guest blog post.


Most of these posts will be on this blog, some may be in the e-book I am finishing up, other posts may be in my other blog here.


Either way, first thing in the morning I plan to write at least 500 words from 2/12/14 to 3/15/14.  There are almost 1000 other bloggers and writers doing this.  Find out more about this challenge here.



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