soldier holding gun

The Amazing Psalm 23 – rewritten

This is a version of Psalm 23 for those who bow the knee to human government (which it seems to be much of the world in 2023). I’m writing a book (or trying to) called The Gospel of the State. It compares the dream of human government to the kingdom/ government of Jesus Christ.

My Government is my Shepherd

“My government is my shepherd so I shall not lack. It insults those I hate until I repay with my vote. It leads me into calm with free meds from Pharma. It restores my accounts with ‘rebates’ stolen from the rich. It borrows from our kids to inflate the cost of everything. But I don’t care because it leads me down paths of dependency for virtue’s sake. 

Yay though I approach the valley of death I won’t fear, because your meds dull everything. You meet some of my demands and you shield me from those I hate. My cup is filled for a time with handouts some one else paid for. Surely money and displays of virtue will follow me and I will meditate on my state Media… as long as it’s free.“

This negative version is a bit silly I know, but it is not far off for some people. 

Below is another version of Psalm 23, written in February 2023, a positive version with my interpretation in context of a government. 

The Lord is My Government

The Lord is my government who keeps me safe, fed, and clothed. So I lack nothing. My wants don't matter at all, because I adapt to his rich provisions. 

He makes me rest, he directs my life, he corrects my mistakes. He reparis my mind, my emotions, and my body with a rightous life and with a Holy vision. 

When my appointed times comes I now fear nothing, he even cares for me in death. He provides despite those who hate and steal from me. So much that my cup overflows. Goodness follows me now from infancy to the grave, and I will dwell with Him forever. 

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