Mega-Mosque Consultant

I wonder if pastors and those working for them and who want to be huge and have “satellite campuses” mind if the same consultants and curriculum they buy were also building mega-mosques? Is your church consultant also a mosque consultant? Could they be … for the right price?

When money and business leadership, and marketing skills increase among the Muslims. A mega church and a mega mosque may almost be indistinguishable.

Most Muslims I know also say really nice things about Jesus, many of them have a lot more to say about him than some Christians I know. Some even quote the Bible.

There is a big difference in business-centered consultant ministry. And Spiritual ministry that arises from the Spirit of Christ himself. Spiritual ministry is not able to be copied, and reproduced by consultants who probably can be hired by an “imam” OR a “pastor.” Spiritual ministry cannot be produced with human leadership, great marketing and with the flow of money.

Spiritual ministry bubbles up out of nobodies and poor people. People with or without skills and money, people who are being built together by Jesus himself. The key differentiator being JESUS HIMSELF.

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