Love Love Love

Many people periodically say “love is the most important thing“. Yet that can mean different things to different people. For some people it means to just be super friendly and do what you think they should want.

But here is my two cents on this topic:

To Love God is our first priority:

Loving God often means to do and say exactly what HE wants …even if it gets us into trouble. Even if it embarrasses or causes us loss. Even if it causes people to accuse us of being insane and unstable.

Jesus Christ is the embodiment of God, we know God by Jesus Christ only. So to love God first our#1 is to absolutely be focused and centered on Jesus Christ, not on people. Not on evangelism, not on exposing Satan’s schemes, not on “making the world a better place“. We will get to all that in time, that all happens naturally within Jesus.

Jesus Christ is love and he is taking over, so we are to look to him with every part of our lives.

The kingship and glory Jesus Christ is God’s top priority, not people. The salvation of people is an aspect of Jesus Christ. Our salvation is one (wonderful) subset of him.

To love people:

  • Be patient with everyone.
  • Be kind to everyone.
  • Forgive and overlook offenses.
  • Be happy when people get blessed and you do not.
  • Give as much as possible to the poor, (even if you become poor.)
  • Give to those who steal from you.
  • Submit to people (even those who don’t deserve submission), out of a motive of brotherly kindness.

What does love mean to you?

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