“Look What I Did”

When leaders do a census of their organization or ministry it’s often in self defense. To undermine their opponents or detractors. To point to their accomplishments and say “see, I am doing a good job, don’t listen to those critics.” Or “look, there is fruit from my way of doing things, so stay loyal”

And this is fine for many leaders (CEOs, -governments, when it’s a strictly human-led organization) but this is not ok for the church. It’s not how it is in the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

The organizations of God are unique and in scripture God saw census-taking as a sign that a leader is taking personal credit for what he is doing. Leaders see it as self-defense but God sees it as evidence that a leader sees himself in the role only fit for the Lord.

The best tactic for a disciple of Jesus being criticized is not to defend himself. But to let God do that, and if he doesn’t then so be it, let it drop. Be criticized.

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