Inexplicable Loyalty

The loyalty and hope that so many place in our governments on both sides of the aisle is demonic.

It is often more than just misplaced confidence or contempt for evil on the other side. It is demonically inspired and motivated hope and trust.

It’s not demonic because the governments are so evil, some are, and some are not.

But There is an Inexplicable blind trust and confidence in human government, for absolutely no good reason.

It is a demonic loyalty because so many Christians now have no love and no hope in the control and power of Jesus Christ, so utterly dismissive of him are we to do anything, so indifferent are so many of us to him, and to what he wants!

So much so that it has become idolatry …to the point of hostility to him.

The Root Cause of the Conspiracy

When one sets out to expose evil conspiracies by powerful people, it is not a very difficult task, because most of them are true. And most of them get exposed sooner or later. History books are full of them, but only a tiny percentage of people knew of them as they were happening.

Exposing the reason that conspiracies are true is much more helpful to people, than exposing details of each one. When we major on the details and the specifics, sometimes we are wrong and we lose credibility.

Instead drill down to the spiritual root cause of them all.

We can only understand conspiracies through the lens of Jesus Christ, only he explained the situation of the world and exposed Satan and undid his highest place in it. Jesus did not bother exposing the specific details of specific conspiracies. Which were constant and have been constant for centuries.

In Jesus Christ the conspiracies fizzle out and are exposed. And their victims are protected or vindicated.

But if we have issues with Jesus and are outside of him ..who knows? we are much more vulnerable.

It is Satan …who is the master conspirator.

He is also the master accuser, and the master manipulator.

“And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God.”
‭‭Revelation‬ ‭12:10‬ ‭ESV‬‬

And anyone loyal to him, by ignorance (most of human government) or by open stupidity. Necessarily becomes like him, conspirators, accusers, and manipulators.

The Best Human Community

Christianity is community through Jesus Christ, in Jesus Christ, and by Jesus Christ.

Marrxism, communism, socialism is community through the state, in the state and by the state. People who dream about these ideas of community have taken ideas from God, excluded Jesus Christ and applied his place to “the state”. Which they give gif-like qualities which the state can never live up to. Only Jesus is qualified and capable of being Jesus and forming the new humanity.

Like many other forms of government it is plagiarism combined with idolatry. And it is the same old terrible ideas man has been pushing for millennia. Even if voting is involved! Voting in and of it self is not necessarily virtuous or noble. We can vote in terrible ideas and people just as easily as dictators can cease power by brutality and cruelty.

Socialism is the same old symptom of the mental illness of hostility toward God.

The government of Jesus Christ within men’s hearts is the only path forward. We need the new humanity bound up within him if any real progress is to be made. The old humanity is hopeless, violent, incompetent and cruel.

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