Things Worth Teaching

Much of what is taught in churches is out of context that its not worth teaching in my opinion. To randomly teach the contents of an epistle or a Proverb out of the context and setting in which it was intended leaves the hearer with a shallow understanding. They may think their learning is deeper and richer than it really is.

I believe the only thing worth teaching to a group of Christians is the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ. This gospel is outlined below in at least 24 sessions.

I have attempted to teach this great story via video series on YouTube and on Facebook but here is an outline of how I would break it up. This gospel, to do it justice, should be broken up in 25 to 75 different sessions. All of which are connected and fit nicely together. What I am calling here the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Chrsit is God’s story of creation and recreation and our place and purpose in His unverse. it is not the ABC’s of making it into heaven. Or out of hell. It is not the Romans Road to salvation. It is a full discipleship endeavor to bring a person from conversion to participating in Christian gatherings. Those things are tiny subsets and side stories to the reality of this matchless story of God.

  1. The Gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ
    • Precreation, the reason God chose to create, Gods eternal purpose. 1
    • The act of Creation (Genesis 1, Proverbs 1, Jesus Creating) 2
    • Eden, what it means, the first house of God. 3
    • The Fall, Sin and our attempt to get back 4
    • Noah and Babel 5
    • The Nations and Abram 6
    • Israel 7
    • Israel and the Prophets 8
    • Israel, David, The Psalms, and Their Messiah 9
    • The coming of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ 10
    • The kingdom of Jesus Christ 11
    • Seeing the magnitude of Jesus Christ 12
    • The death of Jesus Christ 13
    • The Resurrection of Jesus Christ 14
    • Pentecost 15
    • The ecclesia age 16, 17, 18
    • Paul’s gospel Ephesians 1-3, Romans 6-8, 19
    • Training Sessions in Gathering, being filled in the Spriit – 1 Cor 12, Eph 5, 20-26
      • 1 Cor 12 every member 20
      • 1 Cor 12 every member 21
      • Face to face open faces beholding 2 Cor 3 22
      • The Lords Supper meetings 23
      • Other gaherings 24

Something close to this is what I plan to teach and train a group of Christians in, if ever given permission from the Lord and from a group of gathering Christians.

soldier holding gun

The Amazing Psalm 23 – rewritten

This is a version of Psalm 23 for those who bow the knee to human government (which it seems to be much of the world in 2023). I’m writing a book (or trying to) called The Gospel of the State. It compares the dream of human government to the kingdom/ government of Jesus Christ.

My Government is my Shepherd

“My government is my shepherd so I shall not lack. It insults those I hate until I repay with my vote. It leads me into calm with free meds from Pharma. It restores my accounts with ‘rebates’ stolen from the rich. It borrows from our kids to inflate the cost of everything. But I don’t care because it leads me down paths of dependency for virtue’s sake. 

Yay though I approach the valley of death I won’t fear, because your meds dull everything. You meet some of my demands and you shield me from those I hate. My cup is filled for a time with handouts some one else paid for. Surely money and displays of virtue will follow me and I will meditate on my state Media… as long as it’s free.“

This negative version is a bit silly I know, but it is not far off for some people. 

Below is another version of Psalm 23, written in February 2023, a positive version with my interpretation in context of a government. 

The Lord is My Government

The Lord is my government who keeps me safe, fed, and clothed. So I lack nothing. My wants don't matter at all, because I adapt to his rich provisions. 

He makes me rest, he directs my life, he corrects my mistakes. He reparis my mind, my emotions, and my body with a rightous life and with a Holy vision. 

When my appointed times comes I now fear nothing, he even cares for me in death. He provides despite those who hate and steal from me. So much that my cup overflows. Goodness follows me now from infancy to the grave, and I will dwell with Him forever. 

Horrific Despair… into Joy Unspeakable

Look around in the world today and there are many reasons to despair. On many different levels in many different countries.

Minor despair of financial difficulties.

To the major despair of war coming to steal from and to murder entire towns of people.

When Jesus was betrayed, arrested, set up, tortured and killed slowly in public. What despair his followers and family must have felt. All seemed lost, all his teachings must have seemed in question. The entire religion of Judaism and belief he was the messiah dashed to pieces in their minds.

Life can very often tempt one to ask in despair:

“Who can live in such a world?”

“Why does everything have to be so hard?”

“Why are those people so cruel and selfish?”

“What are we going to do?”

“Are we even safe? Will we be able to buy food and stay in our homes?”

The resurrection of Jesus Christ turned this despair of humanity into joy unspeakable.

Unspeakable because it is inexplicable. For those in Christ it bubbles up from within, in the midst of terrible life situations.

Joy because our days of death and suffering are numbered. Precisely numbered and meticulously planned out. Not indefinite, not forever, not alone.

Our suffering and deaths are for a particular purpose and appointed at a particular time. (See Hebrew 9:27).

Furthermore Jesus himself promises to strengthen and be with us as we suffer. Even further we are actually partaking in the sufferings of Christ. They actually are his sufferings if we can understand spiritual reality. All our suffering in this world is a result of Satan’s lashing out against Jesus Christ. As Jesus expands and takes back his humanity and his earth it terrifies and likely infuriates Satan and his principalities and powers.

But their end is coming. New bodies, new hope, new future, new heavens, new earth, eternal growth, eternal expansion, eternal glorification, and more are all in store for Jesus Christ. And for us also, if we are in Him.

Therefore the Joy that is unspeakably wonderful cones bubbling up from within even at the prospect of suffering and death.

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