How We Meet

I’ve been attending church since I was about 19, or about 26 years now, over this time different pastors have had hugely positive impacts on me.

BUT as I grow older I am noticing a huge discrepancy. A discrepancy in how Christians met and acted in Acts, Paul’s letters, and gosples and in how we meet and act today.

Maybe there is a link…maybe there is a cause and effect!

I also have been reading books from people like Frank Viola, George Barna, Leonard Sweet, Neil Cole about the source of the traditions we practice in our church meetings.

I wont list all of the descrepencies between our traditions or where they came from here, if you are curious for more information about this start with the book Pagan Christianity? and Reimagining Church books, I will make the following statement and no more:

I believe that the weekly sermon, one “senior” pastor (our form of a local Christian king), idle pew-sitting audience-style weekly church service has crippled for generations, and is currently crippling the body of Jesus Christ in the earth. I call this the King-Sheep model, the pastor is the local king (like David) and the people behave like dumb passive sheep refusing to spiritually listen and think for themselves. Loyalty to the king is their currency and means of promotion.

The church (better translated the ecclesia) is the body of Jesus Christ.

Where we gather in his name, meaning we gather for him and him alone, he dwells within us. We are not to gather for self-help sermons, nor gather to get “fed”, nor gather at the church that best “meets our needs”. We gather for him, in our town, we gather to share him with one another, we gather to learn Jesus Christ. We gather to share Jesus Christ and his infinite unsearchable riches with one another, this is something we will do for all of eternity. Churches should be led by a team of elders, with pastors, evangelist, teachers, apostles, and prophets being on equal terms with all, the 5-fold ministry is a list of ministry gifts not authority titles.

Listen to this episode from the Insugence podcast.

I want to meet with other members of Christ’s body in this way. If you also want to meet in this way and you live in the upstate NY area comment below or email me at

1 Corinthians 14:24 But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or an ungifted man enters, he is convicted by all, he is called to account by all; 25 the secrets of his heart are disclosed; and so he will fall on his face and worship God, declaring that God is certainly among you.

Meeting locations can be members homes, coffee houses, rented spaces, public places if available, libraries, parks, anywhere that works.

The closeness, love, pursuit of Christ and even friction that develops between people can satisfy better than a lifetime of sermons could dream to.

As the number of people in this meetings grows a few things can happen:

  • Elders (including pastors, evangelists, teachers) can be recognized and assigned based on obvious giftings, elders have authority only in issues of discipline, they are known for their maturity and are not to be looked upon as the leaders of the church, but as gifts to help the church.
  • Men and women can break up and meet separately at times but at other times we all meet together.
  • Visitors to these meetings saved and unsaved will be able to see God among us in action see 1 Cor 14:24-25 above, unlike with pew sitting.

The role of the pastor is first to train young believers to function within this type of meeting. To function within the body of Christ and to develop their gifts. This includes keeping order and peace in the meetings if necessary, making sure no one dominates or sits idle. There is no pressure of weekly sermons, of setting the vision for hundreds of people. There is no financial pressure of owning and building huge buildings.

The best thing about this way of meeting is that the Spirit is free to guide the meetings Himself rather than expecting that of a pastor. There is no “serve me” mentality in the people and no need for pastors to reward personal loyalty or big givers.

There can also be seasons of special prayer, seasons of intentional evangelism, seasons of special teachings and sermons, money can be pooled and distributed and used to bless ministries or families or whatever is agreed upon. Just like we see in scripture.

There is much more to say about this.

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