What Jesus Said About Himself

How Everyone and Everything Works For Jesus Christ

All happenings point us to Jesus Christ. And his kingdom that is growing and filling the universe. Even deceptive and horrifying conspiracies and murderous plots building against us and against the people of the world.

For example, those responsible for killing Jesus were actually playing directly into the hands of the Lord. God being so far ahead and above the wicked powers and forces at work is able to get them to work for himself.

This still happens, evil spirits and people still do not understand what the Lord is doing. If they did, things would be much different. They just resist Jesus as best they know how. #antiChrist

When we read any book or watch any movie or listen to any song ask yourself or newscast. Judge it based on the reality of Jesus Christ. Ask “how can we see and know Jesus in this?” “What is the author explaining about the Lord?” whether she/ he understands it herself or not.

When you hear terrible news both at national or a local levels ask yourself “how can we see Christ and know him better in this?”

In this way everything and everyone works for Jesus Christ. And so we are not to be tormented by evil, by the news, or at the evil influences coming at us or our kids. Do not worry or have any anxiety about absolutely anything. Cling to Jesus Christ, cling to seeking him and knowing him more and deeper.

Jesus is also described as the Lord of glory in 1 Cor 2:8 and James 2:1. Glory has been described as the satisfaction and pleasure according to the will of the Lord.

Also, in the letter to the Romans Paul taught that “All things work together for good to those who are called according to his purpose.”

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