Hierarchy Is Divisive

For years I’ve heard business leaders tout servant leadership. They try it for a while then give up.

One cannot be a servant leader with positional authority over someone.

What happens when they disagree?… on several things? The leader must get his way and the follower must yield. It’s a one way relationship.

This is the opposite of service. If the leader yields often he becomes seen as a weak leader and/or not a lot gets accomplished.

Positional leaders who pretend to be servant leaders, (with meek and kind dispositions) have been misled. They must periodically cease serving and direct the blind sheep (who may or may not really be blind), they must get there way, they must turn away, shut down or send certain people packing, in order to lead.

The only solution offered to this is, “leave and go find a servant leader you can submit to”…LOL think about it, it’s silly.

Hierarchy is Very Divisive

If the church clings to the worn out tradition of hierarchy (like a 4 year old to his bottle) a lot of activity might happen but we have ceased to follow Jesus Christ.

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