Hang With The “Quality” People

I hear a lot of self-help type speakers and pastors essentially telling people to only hang out with quality people. To spend time with winners and to avoid losers.

One problem with this is every one has a different view of who are the winners and losers. Another problem with this for Christians is that Jesus simply does not teach this and does not behave like this.

It’s a worldly business philosophy to only hang out with who you think are quality people. It is complicated and confusing to try to hang with the right people and avoid the wrong people.

Dear Christian, hang out with the poor, and give to them, teach them, if they won’t learn give anyhow.

Hang out with the negative people with the wrong attitude and gently correct them.

Hang out with the depressed and shine Gods light into them.

Hang out with the gossips and show them their error.

Being led of the Holy Spirit is all that is required of a Christian, it is so easy and peaceful if you’ve been shown how.

But, it absolutely will get us into trouble with those who can’t recognize the ways of God when they see him. It might even cause us to lose friends who think we are the losers and the low quality ones that we need to avoid. It’s ok, they did that to Jesus too, until they couldn’t avoid him anymore.

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