Educated “Predictions” for 2025 and 2035

I believe that it should be possible, with an understadning of world history and the spiritual forces at work in the world, to make educated predcitions about what will happen in the future of nations.

It is January 1st, 2024 and here are Four Geopolitical Predictions for 2025, in no particular order:

1) Robert F. Kennedy wins US presidential election by Supreme court after widespread evidence of voter fraud.

2) Russia picks military fight with Poland and loses big, resulitng in almost total collapse of Moscow.

3) US goes to war with more than one Central American country, inexplicably chosing to invest in war rather than its own national borders.

4) Several states begin process to withdraw from the American union as outrage over voting crimes mounts.

And for some longer term predictions on the scale of a decade from now.

Five Predictions for 2035:

  1. A group of young preachers begin to terrorize the nations with the gospel of the kigndom and with the expansion of a new type of christian communities all over the earth. These groups of preachers with their Jesus-kingdom gospel will be hunted far and wide and will turn many of the currennt denominational systems of Christianty into violent persecutuers of these Christians.
  2. Minority persecution and discrimination becomes almost exclusively aimed at the religious. With persecution of Christians becoming popular, commonplace and accepted in many nations around the world. Resulting in dramatic increase in Christianity around the world.
  3. Military dictatorships replace government systems in many European nations.
  4. AI advances so far beyond human intelligence that it begins to replace human government. Human governments simultaneously becoming so corrupt and startting so many unnecessary problems that the peoples of the world become cooperative and agreeable to AI programs ruling the nations. A certain computer program will take over as the dominant agreed-upon government entity over the entire world and it immediately sets out to resolve the constant outrage, drama, and fighting over Jerusalem.
  5. Poland is rises as a national super power replacing all other nations in the dominance of Western and Eastern Europe.

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Also, if you are serious about your Christian faith and want to discipled, I recommend making the ministries of Frank Viola ( or and/or T. Austin Sparks a mentor.

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