Found Within God’s Pleasure

Recently I watched a live stream of a Christian meeting.

I disagreed with much of the doctrine preached. But I also agreed with much of the doctrine preached, I’d say it was about 50/50.

It was a meeting where everyone was welcome to come up grab the mic and share. Some sharing was profound and intellectual, some was simplistic and childlike.

I believe this meeting pleased the Lord, not for its accurate doctrine but for the free and open sharing. Something about the meeting I believe pleased the Lord.

When God’s people are unchained and free to share, the spirit speaks through every member. Nobodies by human terms, Jesus followers who hold no status allowed to proclaim and share what Jesus is speaking to them.

This pleased the Lord, I could sense it. And when God is pleased there is glory. Glory is the pleasure of God. God saw it, and it was good.

That is point of life for the Jesus follower. The glory of Jesus Christ found within the pleasure of the Father.

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