Escorting Us Into Paganism

Many church traditions and ministry ideas can be tracked back into time to see where they began. Some of these then escort us right out of Christianity into other more sinister human religions and practices from the past.

Those that cause us to directly disregard something that Jesus taught or began himself are problematic. And if this is the case it means he is likely to not be ok with them at all. Regardless of how much we enjoy them and want to perpetuate them. If he isn’t for then we should prune them out as soon as possible.

Traditions can be and often do represent strong and direct challenges to the lordship of Jesus Christ in our lives.

But, there is even a more serious issue when it comes to tradition in our Christian practices. That is simply not caring whatsoever that Jesus is not ok with something and continuing it, even teaching it anyhow to the next generation. That is another much more serious issue altogether, one that can even pit us against the one we call Lord.

“Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’ and not do what I say?” – Jesus Christ

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