Eight Lessons From My Mother

Recently (2/8/2023) my mother passed away at home in her bed surrounded by us. Her name was Christine E. Collier.

As a tribute to her on this blog I want to share eight things that I have learned from her over the years. She taught mostly by example and in her nature.

  1. How Powerful Real Motherly Love Is. Looking back now it seems trivial but this moment sticks in my memory for the past 33 years and I want to share. When I was in my teens. We were in her kitchen and I was making myself some food, and I was probably irritated that I had to do something for myself (eyeroll). And I said some harsh disrespectful things to her (probably) about there not being food or something. I deserved a stern scolding and perhaps maybe worse. But instead I got gentleness, meekness and kindness. She did not return to me anger or harsh words. She returned to me kindness and she extended mercy. Almost immediately with my 15 year old mind I remember thinking to myself, “now that is love… she must really love me.” That is one way my mom destroyed my selfishness and arrogance as a young man. And that motherly love was not only present for her three children. In many ways she mothered her siblings, her neices and nephews, and her sons and daughters in law and her grandchildren.
  2. How to make a home. In a sense mom herself embodied a home. But she also created a very pleasant space at home with her presence and with the home itself where we often wanted to visit. It was relaxing there with her, and we knew she always would be there with open arms.
  3. How to Be Content: She was content with her life, her home and her possessions. And as a result she stayed home and enjoyed what she had and didn’t complain or cause money problems. In a day when so many avoid home in exchange for more money, a higher standard of living, and for meaningless busyness, she stayed home in contentment. Striving to make it a place where people wanted to be.
  4. The Importance of Honoring Your Parents: I remember when I realized the command to honor your parents was for adult children also. I had read that verse in scripture (Eph 6:2-3) and put it onto children but I think it is intended as much for adult children as it is for little ones. The relationship changes but the honor and the love and the investment of time should not go away. I remember secretly being very excited to bring her my new girlfriend to meet her and dad (who I soon would marry). I remember enjoying bringing our kids up there to just spend time with her and dad. I enjoyed bringing her good news because she would be so happy for me and others. She loved watching good things happen to others. She would build up the self-esteem of our kids just naturally.
  5. The relaxing power of humor. Mom was a bringer of joy, she was funny, she didnt take herself to seriously and she had a way of causing humility in me and in others. She liked to joke around and share her humor with others. She would laugh at the worst of jokes, and the best of jokes.
  6. The Importance of Meekness: There were times when she would talk to me and help me see I was being arrogant without even saying the words. I knew what she meant and often I realized I perhaps needed to change my thinking. There were times I could out-debate her about certain things but after the conversation (and sometimes during) I knew she was right and soon realizing she was defintely right. Not becuase she argued well or put it to words well but because she was just right and I was wrong and her peaceful demeanor tore down my insistence on being right.
  7. How Wonderful Writing Is: She loved to write and share her adventerous mind and stories with anyone. Many publishers of her articles learned that also and enjoyed publishing her articles repeatedly.
  8. The Importance of Hearing the Gospel: mom made sure that her family heard the gospel of salvation, despite not attending church. She would play evangelistic preaching on the television and radio and would make sure that we heard it. She did this when I was very young and up to her last days. She loved Dr. David Jeremiah most recently. She was not controlling or legalistic about her faith but she made sure that she shared and was not silent.

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