“Corporate America” Bashing

I listen to the motivations entrepreneurs often and have noticed that one of the top reasons they give for starting their own companies is to escape from “Corporate America”.  The “Corporate America” term has come to mean bureaucracy, dysfunction and frustration for many many people. This bothers me because…it does not have to be this way!


What if leader’s in “Corporate America” began a personal mission to heal the bureaucracy, dysfunction and frustration within their organizations?  What if organizational health became one of our top objectives?

Think of impact that this would have on productivity, think of the impact this would have on turnover rate.  Think of the impact this would have on financial performance over time.  Think of the impact this would make in employee’s lives and in job satisfaction.

I believe that the impact from this would be amazing!

Get healthy corporate America! care about the impact of your team and project leadership, don’t be lazy in your people management, understand the impact of your leadership …or lack of leadership in people’s lives, in people’s careers, on people’s salaries and most importantly on your company’s performance in the market.

Here are three things that we can do in the short-term to improve the health of our organizations:

  1. Communicate the purpose of the organization and your commitment to health constantly, even if it seems redundant, say it out loud repeatedly.
  2. Care about the growth of our people, challenge them to grow and expand their skills and tangibly reward them when they do.
  3. Ask our people for help in making healthier teams, because they have a major role to play in team health.

 What other things can we do today to make our organizations more healthy?

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