Christian believers meetings. Where two or more gathered in my name

Colossal Waste of Time

No Greater Waste

I can think of no greater waste of our time and opportunity here on earth than the following: To substitute the first-hand experience with Jesus Christ for the intellectual topic of Jesus Christ.

Its like having a birthday party for a person but not inviting the person. We talk about how wonderful the person is yet don’t invite them or enjoy their presence.

By our tradition we have reduced him to a subject, a topic, a sermon, a chapter of intellectual religious entertainment.

This is substituting the presence of God for man-made religion. It is a starving person substituting talk about eating dinner with eating the turkey dinner sitting in front of her.

Jesus Christ can be known and seen and expressed through face to face meetings. As each member speaks and declares Christ and makes him known he himself is seen and heard. Sermons with intros, three points and a conclusion can substitute for his presence. His presence which speaks through whomever he wishes, however he wishes.

Jesus Christ is a now a life-giving Spirit, he is not a distant religious idea.  He exists, he is active, he is doing things. He can communicate and interact with us and he has a will for us knowing him.

For more on this topic read this.

Is Jesus just a great idea to you or is he a real and living person interacting and guiding you?

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