Colluding With the Kingdoms

Judas betrayed Jesus by colluding and cooperating with the local human government of his day.

Human governments are unavoidably hostile to Jesus Christ. This unfortunately includes the American government from the bottom to top.

The involvement a group of Christians should have with human govt is to pray for it. And to challenge it when it gets out of line, like John the Baptist did. Not collude or cooperate with it, like Judas did (I’m sure he thought it was for the greater good at the time.)

I understand this sounds extreme in today’s hyper political climate. But the reason I say this has to do with who is the spiritual head of human government.

There are two kingdoms in the earth today, the kingdom of darkness headed by Satan. And the kingdom of Jesus Christ headed by Jesus himself. Satan still enjoys dominance in much of the earth and he uses human government and sinful people to manipulate the earth and people.

The kingdom of Jesus is also on the earth. Jesus’ representatives on earth, his ambassadors, are called the Ecclesia. The gatherings of Christians around the earth who gather such that Jesus Christ rules.

The ecclesia the church has failed many times in our representation and submission to him. It is optional, he doesn’t force us to surrender unite and love him. Or represent him well by loving the world.

The extent that the ecclesia or the church takes rulership of itself away from Jesus Christ. Is the same extent that we cease to represent him in the earth.

Despite this failure there have and there are successes in the church. Jesus is gaining ground in the earth. The father’s will is sometimes done on earth, as it is in heaven. But when we fail human government controlled by the kingdom of darkness never becomes the answer.

Satan reached right into Judas’ life through human government.

Is he trying to reach into yours?

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