The Two Lists of the Self-Righteous

We create two lists, one list of what is good and one list of what is bad. When we are able to live up to our lists we pick up the attitude of the self-righteous and begin poking at others.

The Pharisee stood and was praying this to himself: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people: swindlers, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector (bad list).  I fast twice a week; I pay tithes ofall that I get (good list).’  But the tax collector, standing some distance away, was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was beating his breast, saying, ‘God be merciful to me, the sinner!’ (Luke 18:11-13)

The sinful attitude of the self-righteous caused God to turn away from the Pharisee even as he went out of his way to pray.

Our two lists are not always inspired by religion, they may be inspired by politics or painful experiences or some self defined morality or the need to feel superior.

God forgive me…self-righteous sinner.

Happy 2015 from

Thank you for making 2014 a great year at this site. I am so appreciative of every click and every subscriber.  The growth on the site (clicks and visits) has been consistent from less than 100 clicks per month at the start of 2014 to over 300 per month currently.  Thank you !

Changes You Will See on this blog site in 2015 (just to name a few):

  • A greater emphasis on the household management topic (marriage, fathering, budgeting, teaching and training of children, discovering creativity…) being subcategories.
  • Change of blog title, I’ve not yet made the final decision on this yet, any feedback or ideas are welcome.
  • I’ve not given up on the Human Creativity Podcast, what has happened is my family computer is down and frankly we can’t afford a new one yet. So I have no access to audio editing software. Once this changes I plan to begin podcasting once again.


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May God bless you in this new year more than you can even imagine.

Secrets to Accelerating Learning Curves



This is part 2 of the Lagging Learning Curve Content, read part 1 here

Corporate learning curves are a complicated and sometimes confusing mechanism of corporate innovation. Multitudes of smart employees do not necessarily translate into effective innovations or prosperous companies.

Every innovation based organization can accelerate their corporate learning curve  by implementing the following two project leadership initiatives.

  1. The first initiative is to create one project document that all team members contribute to, a document where all learning’s are documented ongoing.  Call this document a learning’s library and refer to this often, feed monthly reporting information into this document and heavily reward employees who spontaneously report into this document.  Too much information is lost in the monthly report then disappears into “server heaven.”
  2. The second initiative is to create a culture of teaching. Most professionals enjoy teaching other people, teaching creates technical curiosity, teaching often creates a desire to impress and teaching is a great way to stimulate collaboration.  A culture of teaching will bring the corporate learning curve closer to the individual curves. Teaching will extract the intellectual capital from the minds of employees. This wealth of knowledge in the minds of your people is a valuable asset that a company may or may not be harnessing.

How does your company or department organization accelerate learning curves?

This content is explained in greater detail in my upcoming book.  The book is about healthy innovation and creativity in a corporate setting.  Please sign up for my email list for insider announcements about the launch of this book. 

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