The Ability to Respond

The ability to respond appropriately to Jesus Christ, and to wisdom is a spiritual ability. It is not a natural one. Religious tradition more than anything else hinders our ability to see reality, but much worse it hinders our ability to respond to reality and to Jesus Christ. It keeps us imprisoned even beyond a lifetime but for generations.

Stubbornness, only listening to approved people (regardless of what they say), and rejecting wisdom because we don’t like a person communicating (he doesn’t speak well, he’s not from my denomination) is really a curse.

The ability to clearly see reality, and to respond appropriately, comes from above.

Also the ability to clearly share and communicate reality so that others can respond appropriately is also from above.

The tendency to be stubborn is natural and is the default state of fallen humanity.

The tendency to communicate poorly, or inappropriately, or not at all is also our default state.

Learning, accepting new insights, and cooperating with the Lord are themselves miracles.

And if miracles, then we cannot control them with tools of persuasion or dominance. Wish I could, and to the extent that I can dominate to persuade is the extent it ceases to be a spiritual thing from the Lord,.

Independence or Indifference

A Christian who has an haughty, independent, self-confidence about themselves and their religious mindset should not be trusted.

Nor should a Christian who is indifferent about Jesus Christ. Caring little about him personally.

Unfortunately I think I have been both.

Independence from Jesus Christ or Indifference about Jesus Christ. Which is worse?

I’m not sure one is worse … maybe it is the same attitude expressed by different personalities. Neither has much time or consideration for the one they claim as Lord.

If Your Eye is Bad

Money represents success and power within the kingdom of darkness.

But in the kingdom of Jesus Christ it’s not much of a thing at all. Take it or leave it.

Jesus doesn’t use it to reach people. And he doesn’t teach us to use it to reach people.

We just wish and pretend he does, because we love its power.

The best attitude to have about money is a take or leave it attitude that is very generous for the poor around us.

If the wealthy Christians in the west would give more to the poor around us, and less on fancy buildings and expensive church shows maybe the poor among us would stop harassing the country with this constant push for govt-based socialism.

“But if your eye is bad (after money) your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!”

Matthew 6:23

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