Watchman Nee & T. Austin Sparks

T Austin Sparks Teaching

This teaching series from T Austin Sparks called Men Whose Eyes Had Seen the King changed my life. I listened to it from the website which hosts many of his teachings. He passed away in 1971 but I consider him a major inspiration and teacher of my life.

We all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory. (2 Corinthians 3:18)

The word ‘beholding’ is a strong word; it is not just taking a look, it is ‘fixing our gaze.’ That is what the New Testament means by beholding, behold. We all, fixing our gaze upon Christ, as He mirrors in His own Person the glory of God, the satisfaction of God, the mind of God in perfection. The point is that you and I must contemplate the Lord Jesus in spirit, and be much occupied with Him. We must have our Holy of Holies where we retire with Him. We must have a secret place where we spend time with Him. And not only in certain special seasons, but we must seek, as we move about, ever to keep Him before us. Looking at the Lord Jesus, contemplating Him, we shall be changed into the same image. The Holy Spirit will operate upon our occupation.

You become like that which obsesses you, which occupies you. Is that not true? You see what people are occupied with, and you can see their character changing by their obsessions. They are becoming like the thing which is obsessing them; they are changing; they are becoming different. Something has got a grip on them; they can never think about anything else, talk about anything else; and it is changing their character. Now Paul said, “For me to live is Christ – being occupied with Him.” It is the wrong word to use, but nevertheless it would be a good thing if He became our “obsession,” our continuous occupation. As we steadfastly fix our gaze upon Him, the Spirit changes us into the same image.

By T. Austin-Sparks from: Men Whose Eyes Have Seen The King – Chapter 4

Why We Should Listen to Everyone

This was first posted to my social media wall on March 1, 2018.

I’ve found this quote to be very true. I’ve also benefited from not disregarding people I really don’t like to be around. Just because we don’t like someone doesn’t mean we should not listen to them or that they don’t have valuable things to say. Especially if they follow Jesus Christ, listen closely to everyone.

I know people who don’t like me all that much and it seems they go out of their way to ignore, to cold-shoulder and to disregard me. Truth is, I really have no ill feelings toward most of these people and I know I could help them if we had a better relationship.

Sometimes when we don’t like someone, the feeling is mutual, but at other times the feeling is not mutual and it is just one-way. Either way we would be wise to get in the habit of listening for the Lord speaking through his followers. all of them. Those talented, and those not talented. Those like us and not like us. Those we like and those we don’t like. Those who like us and those who don’t like us. Be looking and listening for Jesus Christ in all things and all people. He is worth finding, no matter where we find him.

If we listen and hear nonsense, we just discard it. But if we listen and hear Jesus our lives are enriched greatly.

Listen for Jesus speaking through people you don’t like, and in ways that you don’t expect.

Adam Collier March, 2018

The Glorious Distraction of Seeking Jesus Christ

“For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:32-33‬ ‭ESV‬‬

“Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.”
‭‭James‬ ‭1:13-14‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Sin occurs when we are drawn away by our lust or desires which then give rise to sin. God doesn’t tempt us but our own being drawn away tempts us. We freely walk into sin.

Jesus dealt with temptation to sin by fervent and intense seeking of His Heavenly Father.

He did not use extreme and superior will power!

Seeking Jesus Christ is the best distraction from our lusts and desires which so easily drag us into sin.

Seeking is something that occupies us in times where we’d otherwise be tempted. Fill our idle time with seeking and pursuing rather than watching things that are themselves tempting. On phones or TV or internet browsing.

Getting a real glimpse of Jesus Christ and Living for the glory of the father. Seeking righteousness moment by moment.

Which is the beginning motivation for pursuing him. I am convinced it is the only thing in life strong enough to overcome our tendency to walk right into temptation and then sin.

Seeking Jesus Christ is a preoccupation in place of Satan’s world system. His system which can addict us and entangle us with all sorts of fruitless deeds of darkness.

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