001 The Science Layer Podcast – Introduction

This is the introductory episode of the science layer podcast.  I am beginning this podcast as a hobby primarily interviewing amazing scientists in industry, academia and the government.


This episode covers why I want to podcast, recent use of science as a political tool for certain people in the news media.  I also cover the scientific method (remember that?) and encourage listeners to get back to good science.


The term “science layer” is in reference to the unique organizational cultural “layer” that develops within organizations when large teams of scientists exist.


I expect this podcast to be 50 – 70% interviews with scientists and technology leaders.


Social enterprise software is making scientific collaboration easier if we are willing to embrace it in our day-to-day work.


Amazing Science Fact of the Week – Hyper Stealth Biotechnologies out of Canada is showing Canadian and US military recently developed Quantum Stealth Invisibility Cloak which bends light around the wearers to give the illusion of invisibility.


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Please leave comments below or connect with me at adam@sciencelayer.com or @sciencelayer on Twitter.


If you would like to be interviewed on this podcast please email me at adam@sciencelayer.com.


What science related topic would you like to see covered in future episodes?

Just Make It Work: A Good Product Innovation Process

The Best Product Innovation Process


I have a few patents, I think 4 or 5. I work in technology development R&D and one of my primary functions is to generate intellectual property. We invent for our company and receive a salary in return. But the best product innovation process I’ve seen I call “Just Make It Work”. It comes natural to the best innovators. Dependence on formal process is not what you want to look for. The best inventors just have the ability to make it work. Make the idea develop in to an invention and business through hard work, intuition and intelligence (in that order).

A good patent is an idea and a method to bring that idea to market. Its foolish to patent an idea that cannot be brought to market. If you have ever wanted to invent here are six tips to help you.

Six Tip To Help You To Invent

  1. Have the right attitude, if you see an unmet need think “what can I create to meet this need?” Be optimistic. Don’t think for a minute that you can not invent, everyone has ideas and anyone can have an inventive idea. We should also get help from others to help with the process.
  2. Always be Learning, we must learn and study if we are going to invent. This is why some of the best inventors are known to be intelligent. However, intelligence is not a requirement, everyone can be continuously learning.  Learning will help us to explore areas where new gadgets, processes or concepts can solve a problem in a unique way. Learning constantly will cause new ideas to emerge. Always be learning what others have done, we may think we have a great idea but did someone else have the same idea 20 years ago? We should search our field for existing patents to see if we are the first or 101st person to have this idea.
  3. Have many ideas, all the time, ideas, ideas, ideas, write them down, most will be lousy but some will be great.  Most believe that that Plato first said “necessity is the mother of invention.”  For example, have you ever struggled with threading a needle? check out this link? why didn’t I think of this?
  4. Share ideas with others, this may seem counter intuitive but they are likely to make the idea and patent even better. Be generous if they contribute to the idea. A patent shared is far better than no patent at all.
  5. Develop methods to implement ideas, this is the step where we actually get to make things happen. Where we get to create.  This is the time when good inventors wont take “No” for an answer. There should be a method to manufacture ideas or systems that we want to patent. And it is our job to discover and document that method.  Having an ‘I will make this work’ attitude is important. Those of us who are easily discouraged when faced with obstacles will have a tough time inventing.
  6. Get legal help, we eventually need access to patent attorneys to file, there are companies that can help anyone patent relatively cheaply.

Remember, keeping ideas secret is a great way to kill them.

Have you ever had an idea that you thought about patenting?

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