Means To An End …Becoming The End

In business when we hire new people the goal is to train them to do a job independently and not need continual training and reminding, reassurance, and driving them hard, to do a particular job. Some jobs this takes many months, other jobs it takes just a day or two.

In discipleship the goal is the same. The training (teaching) is a means to an end.

The end is spiritual maturity and a person who listens to, cooperates with and responds to the life of Jesus Christ within.

That is the most precise definition one can muster because this life of God in a cooperating and listening person looks different in everyone.

The act of training and discipleship is not THE end in itself.

If you’ve been trained in seminary or elsewhere that the training is the end itself, it’s time to retrain. All is not lost.

Not even evangelism is a legitimate end to justify the forever sermonizing a community. Sometimes Jesus is not evangelizing, there is no autopilot that if we do abc that is success. No hearing cooperating and serving the life of Jesus is the end for all ministry.

The Sunday sermon is engineered to be the end, it is either:

1) intellectual religious entertainment among the thoughtful Christians.
2) Repeated reassurance I am going to heaven among the evangelicals.
3) Repeated reassurance I am living a life pleasing to God (and myself) among the rich Christians.
4) Repeated reassurance I can try harder and be better and solve my problems, among the poor Christians.

Just to name a few.

If that is your ministry philosophy, forever teaching but never bringing followers to a place of self sufficiency your philosophy is deeply flawed.

Even Jesus did not do that. Jesus sent his disciples out after and during the training time, (within 3 years of beginning) then after only 3 years he left them alone to the Holy Spirit.

Paul would take just a few months to teach his disciples then leave them to the Holy Spirit. Him Leaving was critical to their growth and dependence on the Spirit as a group.

How long have you been hearing sermons you agree with? 5, 10, 25, 50 years?

The Sunday sermon (which I have loved for years) is more like a Greek pagan philosophizing tradition, adopted for Sunday mornings.

Church During Pandemic

This was a social media post in March of 2020 when the churches stopped services during the beginning of the pandemic.

Is church cancelled due to the coronavirus?

Well that depends …it might be. What do you mean exactly by church?

Modern Christianity (from my experience) is most confused and immature about what is the church (ecclesiology).

Even Christians who seem to have good explanations about church, who are pros behind a mic or a keyboard. Marching around like they own the place, who preach sermons about this very topic. Rarely behave according to what they preach about the ecclesia. They can’t, it’s too costly.

It seems to me that in ecclesiology we are infants, newborn. (Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals, Pentecostals, clergy and laity) all newborns together… laying around goo goo ing at one another. Can’t yet crawl or roll over or get our own milk bottles.

I think this Covid19 pandemic is shining a fresh light on this fact.

Church is not an event.

Church is not a meeting.

Church is not an experience.

Church is not a traditional show or a contemporary show …of singing and oration.

The ecclesia that Jesus is building (and he has all the time in the world to build it) does not need fancy buildings or high tech buildings or large crowds. In fact I’m convinced he not only doesn’t need them he doesn’t want them. This is because he has something better and superior to that.

Real ecclesia (Church) can only be “cancelled” if Christians are no longer living or no longer Christians.

The church (ecclesia) is a Jesus-following people. A collection of people who form a body which exprssses the life of Jesus Christ.

Not expressing him by putting on constant evangelism/ self-help shows for one another.

It’s a Jesus-people from another kingdom entirely, who share their lives together, periodically their needs and their excesses, and who periodically gather to express him together.




Making Sense of Things on Earth

Making sense of things…

Who is in charge of the earth spiritually and if it’s God why all the bad news, deception, misfortune, pain, and suffering? It just doesn’t add up.

Answer: the situation of Jesus Christ explains reality on planet earth. Jesus the resurrected God-man is seated high above all spiritual power and authority. He has a direct tie to the earth through his followers.

But ONLY through his followers.

There is also an entire fake Christian movement that is just another man-made religion that is not loyal to the kingship of Jesus, (he is only the mascot). This religion spans both Catholicism and Protestantism, it is everywhere and it is anti-Christ at its core.

Anti-Christ and pro religion.

Cooperating with Satan’s Hierarchy of Lies and Violence

Under Jesus Christ is a layer of rebellious spiritual rulers, violent, hostile, deceptive and disconnected from him. These rulers have direct ties to the earth through human government, possessing and controlling king’s and other rulers who cooperate with his hierarchy of lies and violence.

The closest similarity in ancient history that displays what it’s like between Jesus and the earth today is a Roman emperor with his own army going against a violent and illegitimate Roman general with his own loyal army who wants to rule. There is a massive disconnect. Whatever towns the rebellious Roman general rules or terrorizes does not reflect on the real emperor.

Satan has controlled large portions of the earth since Adam & Eve. Primarily through human governments and religions.

But he is losing grip, Jesus is increasing, and using even his rebellious fallen creation for his purpose.

The eclessia of Jesus Christ is the one and only place ON EARTH where Jesus Christ is king and Lord.

“ON EARTH as it is in heaven.”

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