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Thanksgiving, Sharing, And Healthy Screen Time

I love thanksgiving, it’s a holiday that has it all. Great food, family, friends, football, sharing, giving, and thankfulness.

This thanksgiving I’m focused on the sharing thing. Giving what I have to others. I’ve been sharing blog posts every day since mid September (2019), sharing this much content has been surprisingly easy and is extremely helpful to me.

The older I get the more I want to be around people. In the past I didn’t care much about this. My personality is introvert meaning I feel energized by being alone.

But there are things in life that go beyond personalities.

Not sharing is toxic, healthy water flows. It takes two pieces of iron to sharpen a blade. “Iron sharpens iron”, each gives up some metal to make the blade sharp.

Sharing what you have is important. Consuming-only, causes disease and toxicity. If it’s social media consuming it is well documented to cause anxiety and depression.

Many only think of money when it comes to giving and sharing. But if we don’t have extra money we can still be givers and sharers.

Without money we can give our time.

Without money we can share humor and a laugh.

Without money we can share teachings.

Without money we can share insight and wisdom.

Without money we can share compliments and appreciation.

“But Peter said, “I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!”” – Acts‬ ‭3:6‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Social media, like all other things in life needs to be a two-way flow. We give out and we also consume. If we only consume and scroll all day, everyday it becomes a bad thing in our lives. A destructive force for anger, covetousness and even depression.

It becomes a thing that we should not pay the internet company to continue.

But it doesn’t have to be that way, we can make screen time a good thing by sharing often.

Jesus once said to his followers “let your light shine before others so that they might see your good works…”

Here are 3 personal rules I suggest for social media use to begin today.

1) For every two posts that you scroll/consume share a post of your own. This takes a lot of effort at first but it gets much easier. But it will make you more helpful and it will redirect your mind to creativity rather than to anxiety-provoking scrolling and comparing. If you can’t think of things to share then get off! Quit scrolling!

2) Find a niche that you can uniquely be helpful to others. Experiences you can share, insights, struggles you’ve overcome and share on that.

3) Expand your sharing and make your social media use a tool for your own channel or site or blog.

“Give and it will be given to you.” Take only and what you have may be taken from you. We were not made to only be consumers.

Book Pre-Launch Update

I’ve been asked recently about the status of my book by friends and family.  The status is that it is still with the editor, good editors are busy editors so I am happy to wait patiently for her edits.

I do need help though in launching this book if I am to sell more than one copy to my very supportive mother.

I am looking for a team of 25-50 people willing to share on their walls in social media the eventual amazon link to the book or to the coming book launch page on this site.  If you are willing could you email me at your willingness or please comment below at the bottom of this post? If you’d like to review the book first let me know and I can send you a portion of the manuscript.

Here is an unedited excerpt from the book where one emerges from the Lord and speaks directly to the reader:

“There was a holy one in heaven sitting on a throne of solid Sapphire; there was fire and light shown all around him and it looked like a rainbow of colors emanating from his being (see Ezekiel 1:26-28). He looked like a father gazing with love at his children, he rose to his feet and said “My beloved sons and daughters I must show you more of who I am, I must reveal to you more of all that I am and will be.” From the beginning to the end I am revealed, the history of creation from start to finish laid out for all.   He took one step and a bright light pierced through his side, like the sun appearing suddenly, it was as if he were splitting apart, the light was too bright for me to look into.   It looked as if a person was emerging from the light from his side, similar to how Eve was taken from Adam’s side; with great joy on the man’s face, he looked radiant and light was shining from his face and clothing as this happened.  He was clothed in a robe of white and he approached staring straight ahead with determination and joy.  He said ‘I am found in him, I am of him and yet a part of him, I exist in him, I exist because of him.  I am not separate from him but only for this one moment to explain all that he is to you. What I do and who I am is of him alone.‘I came from him and am just one portion, one aspect of the Lord Jesus Christ. I find my place in him, he is my home and my dwelling place, I am in him and I know myself by him. He is my wonderful dwelling place, for all of eternity.’ This first man was called The Beginning…

The foundation and spirit of this book is found in the following verse in Paul’s letter to the Philippians.  Paul said this near the end of his life, knowing the Lord and making him known was still his only and greatest passion.  This writing style is also found in Proverbs chapter 8 and in other places.

Philippians 3:10… that I might know him and the power of his resurrection

This book is a book which reveals and honors Jesus Christ in a way I’ve not seen done before, we all are growing in our knowledge of him.  If knowing Jesus Christ and making him known is important to you then I would ask you to consider helping me to launch this book project in the fall.

Those who agree to this will of course get a free copy of the book, my deep appreciation and a promise of returned favor.

Creating with Create Space



Creating books is now easier than ever. No longer do we need to convince a publisher that our books are worthy, with some time and a little money and we can create an amazing book to sell to our audience. Amazon has a system that takes authors through the publishing process, this system is called Create Space. If you are able to write you should consider writing a book.   I believe that everyone should consider writing a book.

  1. Writing is the ultimate exercise in creating something from nothing, and creating begins to speak to your purpose
  2. Your writing helps other people, through education, entertainment or sharing nuggets of wisdom, what you have others need, a book may be your only method to ever share that part of you.
  3. Writing helps you to sort out your thoughts, someone once said that our thoughts untangle themselves through the pen and paper.  There is a blessing that comes to the author as she writes out her book or post.

My mother understands the joy and power of writing books, she is good at it and has been doing it for years, she has sold an impressive amount of books and articles without a blog or author platform. Her latest book and the first one created using CreateSpace is now available just in time for the holiday season.

A Heart Felt Christmas by Christine Collier, is a Christian romance with humor and a touch of mystery has been published through CreateSpace just in time for Christmas and is a great read.



No matter what your topic is or your style of writing consider writing your own book, the first one will be a big project, mine has been going on for several years now but it works itself out as I sit down to write.

What book is inside of you waiting to get written?

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