Healthy at Work


Almost everyone longs for health, some of the most unhealthy people long for emotional and physical health and the peace of mind that it brings.  If you’ve ever watched the TV series Biggest Loser you can quickly see this, some of the most unhealthy people go on that show, striving for the health they desperately need. They seem trapped inside a body and mind of dysfunction.

This same thing can happen to us in our work, we can find ourselves inside an unhealthy team or company. We may even realize that our behavior is contributing to its sickness.

Here are 7 strategies for improving the health of your team and company for those who are not in leadership.  There are other strategies for leaders but first non-leaders.

  1. Don’t gossip about leadership – there is nothing more discouraging than a team grumbling team members, I learned this at an experience at church, even if you are right just communicate up then zip it, put your head down and work hard.
  2. Don’t spread rumors – rumors destroy morale, don’t purposely destroy morale in the place that is your livelihood, that is like biting the hand that feeds you.
  3. Be a problem solver – seek out problems and attack them, especially the problems that your boss has.  For the problems that are not in your power to control, don’t spend too much time stressing about them, instead focus on the ones that are potentially within your power to control.
  4. Pursue leadership – if you can see and you care about toxic and unhealthy situations in your team or company, chances are you can help to bring change, and you will be better able to influence a change if you have more influence as a leader. Prepare yourself to lead and then volunteer to lead.
  5. Help those being bullied – If you find yourself in a toxic team or company chances are someone is being or was recently treated unfairly, help them by sticking up for them or even by just being a friend and helping them to get perspective.
  6. Accept your situation – if you find yourself in a toxic environment and you are not a leader, realize that your situation is not fair, it is frustrating, but that is pretty average, accept your responsibility for where you are and do what you can to better yourself.
  7. Set a time limit – toxic situations at work can get better or they can get worse. Try to get in a place of influence or even leadership by good behavior, building relationships and by leadership training. If that is not possible then I recommend you set a time limit beyond which you plan to move on to another team or to another place of employment, if at all possible.

What other ways can non-leaders improve the health of their teams?

Why Organizational Health is So Important to Me


Organizational health means different things to different work teams.

  • To executive teams, health means unity of purpose, consistency in communications and commitment to long-term profitability.
  • The the engineering department in a University, health means constant teaching, generous research grants and fair-minded professors.
  • To the R&D organization, health means robust collaboration, continuous learning and a healthy transfer of knowledge to decision makers.
  • To the small business. health means management of cash flow, hard work and a niche market.
  • To the entrepreneur. health means courage, extreme work ethics and multi-tasking.
  • To a church. health means commitment to the mission and creating a core membership motivated by love and openness.
  • To the family. health means reliable loving parents, stable income and consistent routines.

Organizational health is important to me because working on or being a member of an unhealthy team is usually horrible for almost everyone involved.  Unhealthy teams waste time, create unfair situations and can slow down progress.  It is important to have a healthy executive team but organization health only trickles down so far, depending on how large an organization is.

I’ve seen unhealthy church leadership altar lives for the negative, producing the exact opposite effect in the people they hope to minister to.

I’ve seen small business leaders push out ethical and intelligent employees in exchange for the corrupt yet loyal.

Leadership at every level should study and strive for health in their organization.

What are some tips at keeping an organization healthy?

Organizational Health (for everyone else)

Is it just me or is organizational health viewed mainly as a senior management concern within many corporations? What about lower and middle management?


An unhealthy and sometimes toxic work culture is depicted in the NBC TV comedy series The Office.  The incompetence of leadership and toxicity of this office is extreme for the sake of comedy but I wonder how many real life offices are not far from the reality that this team faces at Dunder and Mifflin Inc.  This office produces adequate revenue and profit so  senior management and HR doesn’t care how toxic and crazy the culture is?

“Toby is a part of HR which technically means he is from corporate so he really is not a part of our family.” – Michael Scott

The fact is that when there are several layers of leadership, even the most healthy and well-meaning team of executives and HR programs can not always stop toxic culture from dominating working teams.

Even in corporations with high performing executive teams a toxic culture can and often does periodically develop under them. Unhealthy cultures can come from the following sources (to name a few):

  • a void of leadership from overworked or stressed out middle managers
  • poor leadership from beginning supervisors and managers
  • cynical employees spreading gossip and discontent
  • competing managers and individual contributors looking out only for their next promotion

Working on a team that has poor health is often a lousy experience.  Even highly unified and well-functioning executive teams can not guarantee that sub-teams stay healthy long-term, they must rely on managers.

Fortunately, if things are healthy at the top than toxicity can not take over the company but it can make life hard for the people at or near the bottom.  Unhealthy work team cultures can cause unfair situations and considerable missed productivity which is a waste of company money and time.

I want to see an increased focus on middle and lower management organizational health.  Having a healthy executive team is often just not enough, trickle down health does not always happen and even when it does trickle down it is often not fast enough to protect the company from waste.

Do teams in your company get healthier at the top?

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