Watch Your Creative Cycles

Creativity Cycle

I have noticed a cycle involved with Human Creatvity.

Creative people build and package products, services, performances and information. 

People consume these and reward the creators for their creations in various ways, mostly financial.

These creations then get emulated, copied and plagiarized by those who are not inclined to create.

Eventually the creators move on to new creations, the consumption plateaus, the plagarizers wear it out and kill it, then they begin to copy again.

This cycle happens in every aspect of business, in music, even in certain religions and it happens in our own lives. The curious thing is that without the creators, the cycle never starts, death reigns and expands.  Without creative people economies and civilization itself begins to rot.

Watch your own creative cycles.  Are you creating, consuming or copying? In that first creating step is where all people belong, intentionally creating all of the time, this is how we were created to be, not to only consume, and not to ever plagiarise. 

Creative people are like sources of new life and preservation to our economy and to our wealth. Choose a field, choose one of your gifting and start to create, then always remain in that creativity stage, soon other people will consume and copy what you make.

Looking for more beta-testers for my creativity course, email me at and I will send you to a link to a page with a detailed outline of this online creativity video course.   

Quick Decisions About Who To Spend Time With

Not too long ago I realized the importance of supporting other people.  At the same time I realized how I had been (and had not been) supported in my own life. Supporting other  people can mean different things to different people, to many support means encouraging people in fulfilling dreams and goals, to others it means simply not tearing them down. 

I believe that all children need and deserve a strong support system as they grow up, unfortunately children have no control over this.  Adults however can remodel and drastically improve the quality of their support system when necessary.  Every adult can improve their personal support system by making the following four quick decisions

  1. Decide to be supportive of others, the people who respond to our support and encouragement will likely return the favor and be our encouragment when we need it. Look for opportunities to support and encourage others, especially children who are still developing self-esteem.  If they are pursuing a dream or pursuing a creative effort go out of your way to support them.
  2. Decide to remove people from your life who are intentionally negative or un-supportive.  There are at least two types of people in this category
    •  Optional friends or acquaintances who we can easily marginalize from your life.
    • Un-supportive family or long time friends. These people we don’t want to eliminate from our life  but there are things we should do with these people, see number 3.
  3. Decide to ignore the effect of un-supportive loved-ones.  You don’t want to eliminate deer loved ones who are not supportive of you, unless they are abusive, but we do want to reduce their effect on our creativity and our life-dreams.  If we can identify the un-supportive, the competitive loved ones we can choose to not include them or ask for their input on our dreams and goals.  Chances are they will be negative so their advice, their input and their counsel is unwelcome. “Don’t argue with those who reject you that is the strategy of a fool” James Altucher  Ignore discouragement from chronically negative people, don’t seek their advice and don’t try to change their minds, if they still want to cram discouragement and negativity into your life then begin to firmly set up a strong boundaries.
  4. Decide to seek out supportive people. To look a bit deeper,  in this category there are two sub-types of people
      1. Supportive people who are indifferent to you, they are not negative or discouraging yet they don’t have the connection with you, they don’t particularly like you or feel drawn to you but are generally kind and not negative.
      2. Supportive people who love and encourage us.  These are the people that will support us, these are the people that we want in our lives. These are the people who will give us new ideas toward fulfilling goals and dreams. These are the priceless people that we want in our mastermind groups and should be willing to pay for their influence in our lives.  These people can be hard to come by but they are out there. This is the type of person that we should strive to become.

I recently have made it my personal ambition to be this type of person to as many people as possible, to go out of my way to encourage children in their ambitions and dreams and to find those core people who I can encourage and support in life.  Will you join me in this ?

I would love to help you to be more creative, to that end I am writing the final chapter in my Unleashing Creativity book, video course and creativity test.  I am looking for beta testers who would be willing to take my creativity test which will categorize you into one of the four creativity languages that I spoke about in episode 4 of my podcast. Please comment below and I will send you the test, this test still needs to written into code but the structure is there.  Please comment below or send me an email at to get access.

003 – Emotional Wounds and Creativity

Emotional Wounds Alter our Creative Abilities and Usually Hinder Productivity…

Creativity Tips: Just try something new.  To do this better we must look at failure differently, most people are so utterly afraid of failing that they won’t try anything new. We have much inside to access, try something new that you’ve been afraid to do.

Creativity Foundations: “Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.”

Deal with the wounds that hold you back, face your pains, your sorrows and your abuses. Facing these, “mourning” is a powerful healing process.

We can apply this to a corporate setting, if there is an abusive or unfair culture or behavior-set that exists in your team, this will cap the performance of most of the team members, as with individuals, this will hinder creativity and productivity.  Only leaders can bring change, bring healing and stop the “injuries” happening in the culture.

Creativity Thoughts: Emotional wounds and creativity

Creativity needs freedom to thrive

“create a culture that liberates passion and frees up creativity.”- Lina Echeveria

Check out the Emotional First Aid with Dr. Guy Winch video

Also check out Episode 42 of Lewis Howes’ podcast on this emotional wounds topic.


Effects of failure:

  • Failures can distort our perception of our goals.
  • Failure changes perception of our abilities.

Guilt makes us adopt self punishment and prevents us from enjoying life.

Rejection even hurts when we hate the rejectors and when we know its not even real. The same pathways in brain light up the same for rejection with physical pain.

We are wired to feel pain of rejection strongly to protect us. Rejection are the cuts and scrapes of daily life. To heal rejection we need to revive our self-worth

Loneliness – 40% of adults experience loneliness, it damages us psychologically, loneliness puts us at risk for altzeimers and flu. Risk factors of loneliness can shave years of our lives just like cigarettes.  Loneliness is like muscle atrophy.

Announcements: Looking for feedback for my creativity e-course before it is finalized, the course is 90% written, video taping will begin soon.  The course is intended to help the student discover and unleash their unique creative abilities in order to change careers, start a new business or start a hobbby.  If you are interested and or willing to give me feedback and/or criticism about this course please comment below or send me a quick email at

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