4 Ways to be More Productive

I sometimes feel un-productive with my time. Many times I feel guilty for not getting more done with my time, whether at work or home I hate procrastination.  I think procrastination is a common enemy to us all.   It’s easy to procrastinate with tasks that are difficult and unpleasant.  But it is the unpleasant tasks of life that we most need to get past.

There are little things that we can do to increase our productivity each day, things that don’t require a productivity seminar and a 500 page book to read.  Below are 4 ways to improve your productivity.

  1. Get up early, give yourself at least 2 hours before you need to leave for work, there is something about the early morning hours, being alone and starting your day before the average person, I think it gives you that extra sense of productivity for the rest of the day.
  2. Write a list of things to do in the morning, every day write a list of the major things that you want to accomplish for the day, keep that list with you and refer to it at lunch and mid afternoon.
  3. Do the most difficult tasks first, Michael Hyatt discusses this concept well in his blog.  http://michaelhyatt.com/stop-procrastinating.html

“We only have a limited supply of willpower.  Once it’s been used up for the day, chances of us tackling hard tasks are pretty slim. Dive into your hardest task when your energy level is at its highest. This will ensure the best results.”

      4.   Realize that you are just one person, you can only accomplish a finite number of things each day, its ok to just go to bed and get ready for a productive morning.

Do you feel productive most days?, what ways have you found to help you feel more productive?

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